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Where raw and ragged lips of earth
Curl back in lurid, mocking grin
And with a callous roar of mirth
Unleash the fiery sea within
The smooth and glistening tongue of fire
Devours its prey with blistering ease
And turrets to an angry spire
To carry death upon a breeze

As cascades of a mordant ash
lay waste to realms as yet unkissed
By lake of flame, the spitting sash
Does Nature's succour yet enlist
When swathes of twisted land are wrought
To furrows in the consequence
The maiden's hand is slyly sought
To pacify or damn offence

Though mortals rage at such display,
Suspicious of it's lowly worth
It is but Maiden Nature's way
To expedite her world's rebirth
Where lies the fury in the peace
But in the recess of an eye?
Volcano's lust will never cease
Nor will it Nature's hatred buy

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Never man ascend my slopes nor eyes set on my peak
Never human feet destroy that of which Gods yet speak
And never shall a human know of secrets hidden deep
Along the paths that angels tread when mortals care to sleep

Fear not Valrou’hain, trust my guards to watch o’er godly treasure
And keeps the vows Arcanis made from risk of your displeasure
O Mighty gods watch over one who stands against the blight
Who guides his servants by command and teaches wrong from right

Come winds, blow hard and scour each scarp, leave no rock sure to hold
Come snow, come hail defend me now from mortal foot so bold
This mount has stood untrod by man for centuries elation
And this intruder shall not come to mar it’s reputation

Be still now, cometh mortal man, deception in his breast
Behind his mask of noble deed a vile and thieving quest
He’s doubtless heard a whispered tale of lustrous treasure hidden
No warning shall Arcanis give – intrusion is forbidden

And man must learn that he is small, a minute grain of sand
He’s taking on the gods when he does battle for this land

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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