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Morning Mist

In the blue grey morning mist
Before the birds have thought to rise
I wander through the empty streets,
A new world greets my sleepy eyes
A ghostly silence taunts my ears
And dew-drenched morning strokes my skin
I dare not break the virgin quiet
Yet long to cause some soothing din

My feet tread slowly, rhythmic steps
As if with purpose on and on
I try to conjure memories
Of brighter mornings long since gone
A gentle breeze bestirs the air
And wakes some paper from the street
And causes it to rise and fall
Then rise again, a haunted sheet

Which rustles like a whispered voice
I turn my head to make reply
It seems to laugh and with a flounce
It takes to flight and passes by
A strangled sob escapes my lips
An icy tear rolls down my face
I wonder what I'm doing here
And mounting dread provokes my pace

The street grows smaller, up ahead
A corner waits in menacing pose
What dire horrors lie round there?
The fear within me grows and grows
And in the swirling blue-grey mist
I'm lost as panic seizes me
Then like some holy messenger
A shaft of light comes suddenly

My heart takes up a stately pace,
As there's a waking sparrow's call
I see the new-born morning rise
And night's fatigue as dewdrops fall
Then wondering at my foolish fears,
I turn the corner easily
And where the mist has disappeared
My own world now looks good to me

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004


Babys Graphics - more of Dawns poems here
