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From The ETERNAL Question

The Final New Soul

If souls are separate entities
Which populate a heavenly sphere And merely fill an empty shell
On Earth for maybe four score year Where else is there for them to stay
(To wait upon this tedious chore) Than in some heavenly holding bay,
Some place to rest, some distant shore?
  If we allow this to be true
(And who's to say not - me or you?) Then time will surely one day come
When life depletes the finite sum And there will be a final soul
Which prepares itself for duty And we can only contemplate
That wondrous thing of beauty


From The ETERNAL Question



Blame Me

Through time's eternal light I see
An unborn soul in dormancy Which pays no dues to appetite
Nor reaches fingers to the light But waits and bides, just bides and waits,
And holds aloof from loves or hates Blame me for my impatient hand,
Blame me - I did not understand The rarity of this precious thing
As I gave voice and made it sing Once sung the bird's song loses allure
And never again sounds quite so pure Blame me for spending Life's last coin
Which through the light I did purloin And wasted with such ignorance
In one great, futile, glorious dance It ill-becomes me to complain
For all the world will feel the pain But I am just as sorely tried,
My turquoise eyes as surely cried And I can never regain my pride
But blame me if you must deride Take heart, take consolation do,
From knowing I'm no better than you Much worse because I knew, you see,
That none would follow after she The last soul now has taken wing
And to the Earth much joy shall bring But now through her mere mortal birth
Her light will only shine on Earth But not for me, oh not for me,
Who must go on Eternally


Though body is exhausted here
And craves a rest from mortal fight I yet bequeath that part of me
Which shines an everlasting light To you who bravely carry on
And hide the rage behind your tears No matter how it might seem now,
My light will guide you through he fears For you shall never be alone,
Not even in your darkest hour As you have always trusted me,
Trust now in this immortal power I shall live on in you my love,
Your sweet breath fans the light of me And I shall keep the faith with you
In every joyful memory But in return I beg of you
Do not concede to mournful thought Your life, still precious, must go on
Or all my efforts come to naught

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