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Into the turmoil of Kurgenblatt's valley
Where Mentai emerged from a rancorous steam
There, egg-eyes unmasked us and no Mentai asked us
To translate the vowels of our twin-headed scream

Strip-searched and naked in Kurgenblatt's fortress,
Suspended, like suckling pigs over a fire,
We suffered the tortures of prodding and poking,
Our bodies exhausted, our nerves on a wire

As rubbery gropers made free with their probing
And hiccuping voices commanded machines,
We writhed and we twisted, we howled and resisted
Yet all of their science invaded our genes

Then down to a cell under Kurgenblatt's valley
To dwell on our misfortune, soak up the tears
And ponder the choices in undertone voices
Whilst never divulging the worst of our fears

By now, we'd adjusted to Kurgenblatt's climate,
Our crash-landing history, some ten hours old.
It wasn't in sickness that our sore flesh shivered
Though under the skin we were feeling the cold

A translator came to that Kurgenblatt prison
To ask us some questions of Mentai import.
We answered our names and our ranks, nothing further
Like good little soldiers, of lessons well taught

The egg-eyes rolled sideways, a Mentai despairing
Of ever his reaching our alien souls
He spoke very slowly as if we were half-wits
We blushed out of shame for our degraded roles

"You two have intruded in Kurgenblatt's valley
Yet it would appear we are freaks in your eyes.
Would your world's reception in any way differ
Should Mentai from Kurgenblatt fall from your skies?"

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004


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