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Come with me, hold my weathered hand 
Let us stroll upon the undulating sand 
That drags as if by tidal pull 
And then releases, merciful. 


Come hold me as the waves recede And bare the shore with teeth of greed 'Til in her nakedness she cries And beats her breast to mournful skies

Come love me by this anguished sea Which ebbs and flows relentlessly Then tell me truth or tell me lies (For nothing here would cause surprise)

Come with me, say your last farewell Where none shall hear but angry swell Nor shall they see our bitter tears, Incapable of washing away the years

Oh love, I go with but a single regret That you are unprepared as yet To follow where I must go from here But I’ll be waiting there, my dear

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


I don't mind the leaving, exhaling my last 
Or kissing farewell to the present and past
My body is weary, it's due for a rest
To give it the credit, it's withstood the test

Of time, I've had plenty and so few regrets They're hardly worth telling, I'm leaving no debts Good heavens yes, take me, I'm eager to be There's nobody left now but strangers to me

I've read every volume I wanted to read I've tended my garden and pulled every weed My house is in order, no reason to stay Don't let the sunrise on another new day

Don't force me to sit on the sidelines of life Accepting another cruel twist of the knife This world holds no magic for one of my years And you must be tiring of drying my tears

Let go now, be graceful, let my will be done Don't give me tomorrows, they're no longer fun Give me only this gift, give me dignity And the right to decide to be finally free


copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004


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