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Temptation, with a flouncing skirt,
Turned my eyes from narrow path
And she, with eyes that dare to flirt,
Gave challenge to unholy wrath

So I, in weakness, gave the chase
Accepting blame with careless ease
Embracing all the fevered pace
Caught sweetly in her loving tease

Temptation's face was but a mask
Which, once removed, was no disguise
But it seemed not this lover's task
To dally with his lady's lies

In truth the version that she gave
Was all the truth I wished to hear
Aware she played me for a knave
I willingly absolved my ear

And listened, smiled and played the fool
A role I found that suits me well
So, jealous hot, I played it cool
And died inside, my truth to tell

And lady, I am in your spell
Yes lady, I am in your spell

copyright owned by 'Dawn'




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Latest Entry April 2004


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