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To Unify

Liquid eyes stole my senses,
Stunned me with their limpid truth,
Challenging me to take the plunge
And sweetly drown

Bow of gold arrested wits, to
Wrench the purpose from my soul,
Inviting me to drop pretence
And acquiesce

Tongue of fire licked resolve, that
Melt like ageing candle wax,
Enticing me to soft assent
In fiery flame

Gossamer strokes dissolved intentions,
Coalesced his heart and mine,
Embracing both with fluid balm
To Unify

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Dawn Frosts

Bitterness soothed by night's sweet balm
Morning dawned to silent calm
Broken at the timed alarm
And here we go again…

Tacit carp from shifting eyes
Morning frosts are re-born lies
Pale greetings offer no disguise
And here we go again…

Separate space from eight 'til five
Optimism may contrive
By sunlight's blessing we survive
And here we go again…

Nocturnal fantasies endear
Where we conjoin by lust or fear
Still, jarring note offends the ear
And here we go again…

copyright owned by 'Dawn'



Soft whispers graze the air
Breathless sighs that lovers share
Hopeful dreams, united prayer
Romance is precious, rare

Time checked by lovers' hand
Rippled patterns in the sand
A language two can understand
In romance wonderland

Electric glance, adoring look
Unselfish act he undertook
Her name inside a poetry book
Romantic inglenook

Chaste smile and private name
Stir the coals, release a flame
Golden moments stake their claim
Romance: the lovers' game

copyright owned by 'Dawn'



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Latest Entry April 2004
