Hidden behind a mask of self-imposed insecurity
Poised to recognize her talent’s ultimate maturity
A mute composer of unparalleled rhyme and mirth
This wondrous gift bestowed upon her from birth
Secretly penning vast and exquisite works of art
Choosing to stash them away to protect her heart
The vault door finally cracked after years of denial
Her life’s passion exposed and subjugated for trial
Conviction in her voice sharpened over the years
Astounded by the praise received from her peers
All self-doubt and hidden fears instantly quelled
Her heart opens allowing emotions to be expelled
Proclaimed master of the written verse
Her poetry no longer confined to a hearse
Soaring aloft on her newly discovered wings
Reaching unknown heights, as her heart sings
© David J. DeBolt June 2004
Nature's Tapestry
Proof in a variegated leafs luster
Glistening in the sun's radiance
A scarlet cardinal's distant call
Or high wire squirrel acrobatics
Deep bellow of a bullfrog reporting
Crickets harmonizing a cacophony
Soft breezes lofting leafs skyward
Gently kissing maple, hickory and oak
Cat tails bent by a hidden occupant
Belying a carefully camoflaged lark
Glistening flashes and gentle splashes
Pinpoint a school of minnows feeding
Ripples undulate splashing daylight
Mirroring an image of the heavens
Starkly cast, an egret silently feeds
The world moves unseeing past him
© - David J. DeBolt - Rewritten - 2004
Poetic Partners
Two poetic travelers pass
Each with a unique voice
Offering so much to say
A meeting of coincidence
Or was it by fates hand?
Their friendship preordained
Quietly penning her rhyme
But questioning her work
A voice soft, and yet strong
Critiqued honestly and forthright
Devoid of malice or confrontation
He wanting only to help a fellow poet
Mutual respect instant and strong
These two poets of prose and verse
Forging an alliance of mutual respect
The future brings with it great promise
As they spread their creative wings
And set sail for uncharted realms
© David J. DeBolt - May 2004
Carpe Diem
Black velvet heavens relinquish their reign
Caressed in subtle hues of magenta and purple
As the distant eastern horizon slowly lightens
The new day's dawn formally announced
By the proud crowing of a local rooster
Shadows pass silently with the night
Light breezes rustle the budding timbers
Lofting with them your slumbering soul
Every nerve of your being is rejuvenated
The landscape awash in panoramic color
A new day's arrival carry a promise
Of dreams and aspiration not yet realized
Life is just a blank easel of opportunity
Awaiting each individual artist's touch
A masterpiece awaiting to be created
Carpe diem, as another new day awaits
Boundaries exist only in your imagination
Within each of us resides the hidden artist
© David J. DeBolt - 2004
Willow hangs heavy
Dappled shadows enshroud
Sorrow beneath boughs
© David J. DeBolt - 2004
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a trio of very talented young poets!!
The extraordinary talent of Shaice Anthony
Some of My Own Poems
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Latest Entry April 2004
Babys Graphics - more of Dawns poems here