Hi there! I have not really introduced myself
properly on any other page in this web site and I
feel that it is about time to do so, since some of
you keep coming back for more - thankyou from the
depths for that!! I am 'Dawn' and everything on
these pages, with the exception only of the pages
of Guest Poets, is my own writing. The graphics
are by various artists, and in the main American
artists, all of whom I admire enormously. Their
work enhances my own so much so that I receive
praise for them in equal ratio to that of my poetry.
There is a page with a short autobiography in this
site so I need not go over that ground again, but
people are always asking me why it is that I am
not a published writer and I think it is time to
state once and for all : I have published my work
here; the internet is a valid modern alternative
to the more conventional publishing houses and,
let us be brutally honest Reader, you are here
right now and not in some impersonal shop or library.
I did self-publish a few hard copies of some of my
work because many friends begged me to. This was
a success and gave me so much satisfaction that I
followed up with a similar collection 18 months
later. I made no money on the project but at
least was able to give gifts to special people
with the proceeds of the sale to others
My poetry is unmistakably mine - that is plainly
obvious to me and to anyone who knows it well. I
have a style which is an inherent part of me and I
know not from whence it sprang....but it is 'honest'.
I do not imitate the style of others for many
reasons but mainly because I am at a distance when
I write - often, for instance, I do not
immediately recognise a poem I have written the
very next day because the poet and the woman seem
to separate during the writing period. Do not ask
me to explain this phenomenon please - I have no
idea why it is so.
I have attempted many different forms of poetry in
the past, including the strange but challenging
Haiku which I believe to be the most difficult of
all and I freely confess I think I have little
talent for it. However, in the spirit of fair
play, I present my sorry efforts here and let my
readers be the judge of that. So, here are the
best of my Haiku efforts ~~ forgive me for
inflicting them upon you.
Trees live larger lives
Than we can comprehend, yet
Do they pray to God?
Ponder this question:
If we are superior
Why do we need God?
Rainbow: tapestry
Woven from the floating strands
Of lovers’ twin souls
Spending life’s last coin
With reckless abandonment
Makes death seem less dire
Crossing the river,
Without an ounce of ballast
Is a test of strength
Take my hand in yours
Show me heaven’s boundaries
Before the sun sets
I fear no spider
More than any lacey web
My enemy weaves
My pen speaks for me.
Vanity or modesty?
I dare not answer
Whilst making this website - a continuing joy for
me - I have had the privilege to meet and get to
know several extrememly talented people, including
the poets who feature on my guest pages.
Three of these poets share their own website and their
names are Kevin, Carl and Jack or, collectively
The Formal Poets, and a visit to their site is a
trip into paradise as far as I am concerned. I
have added a link to their site below for you.
Other Guest poets' work remains on my site for as long
as they choose and I am always
pleased to give anyone the opportunity to share their poetry
with the world, providing their work is not unsuitable
for family viewing and as long as they retain the copyright
i.e they can assure me the poems they submit are written by themselves.
I could not possibly finish this without mentioning
Shaice Anthony, whose poetry astounds me with its
raw intensity and whose friendship I value above
everything else. To find such a friend on the vast
plains of the internet is like pinpointing a new
star amongst the myriad glittering stars in a
night sky. You will find links to his
extraordinary poems scattered about my
site...every one of them a pearl.
Shaice Anthony Poet
More of My Poems
Site Map One
Babys Graphics - more of Dawns poems here