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The pieces set with neat precision,
White begins the opening play
I feel sure, my hand feels steady,
victory shall be mine today
Pawns advance uniting forces
With my knight – what will he do?
He has countered but I fancy
I can see intention through
If he doesn’t halt my progress
His rook’s mine, and furthermore
His queen’s pinned and I shall win
But what’s this? Was my judgement poor?
Oh too hasty! I have got him,
Very soon now I’ll defeat
No! He’s spotted my objective.
Pawn and rook I must forfeit
Can it be that he is winning?
Where are my defences now?
I could still hope to recover
If I moved my king – but how?
I should reunite my forces,
Build defence – but wait. But wait!
His next move destroys manoeuvre.
I would castle but too late
His king’s pawn is now advancing
Making nonsense of my plan
Where has my advantage gone to?
How can I disarm this man?
Now, in check, I seek escape
But in the process lose my cool
I should not have made that last move.
Panic played me for a fool
Well the match is surely over,
Seems that each result’s the same
I concede, no use pretending
What the heck! It’s just a game

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