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A goddess rides the clouds of time

And walks with lofty stride

Her footfalls make her slave sublime

Each movement dignified

She has such grace in her command

Her slave adores her reprimand

But never may he stand beside

Nor make his own demand

A slave must walk a careful path

Where angels fear to tread

Or lose the love from up above

His overriding dread

He lives to serve until he dies

Yet knows he'll never satisfy

A goddess knows his every thought

And catches every lie

*A Goddess and her slave* is one

Of life's anomalies

For neither one could ever say

The other uses me

And whilst the world says otherwise

A goddess needs adoring eyes

A slave needs her to patronise

~ Truth wears a sly disguise ~


copyright by 'Dawn'  




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Latest Entry April 2004


Babys Graphics - more of Dawns poems here
