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Cauldron of tar
Bubbling black and silky
Bush of burning fire
Skin smooth and milky
Midnight and Morning Dawn
Harem and boudoir
Sheets all damp and rumpled
Moon and sun and star
Love-kissed morning
Limbs still in slumber
Jet silk, cream satin
Nothing encumber

Rising passions
Bubbling in the sunrise
Red gold fingers
Rays of light from new skies
Gunsmoke and New Morn
Solemn and defiant
Sleep-tossed and crumpled
Loveably compliant
Midnight kisses Morning
Limbs intertwining
Jet silk, cream satin
Love’s realigning

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


When I am cradled in the arms of Morpheus
Capricious fantasies roam uncontrolled,
Once captive inhibitions fly, unfettered,
Ascending aspirations thread with gold

And in that whisper, my soul walks with ancient angels
For me, their precious wisdom glows like Heaven’s pearls;
Just then, I comprehend the purpose of ambition,
As, for one fleeting moment, self-belief unfurls

While this mean body gives up rights to all but slumber
And I lie unencumbered by a mundane toil
How sweet to dream, in shameless marvel, of my lover
Whose threads of gold around all sentient scruples coil

The timeless spell as Heaven's cherubs hear my heart's song
When, with impunity, I give reign to my love,
Is just before new days are born to curb my freedom
And I beg one more fleeting moment from above

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004


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