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Loving Two


Come with me, hold my weathered hand
And walk your feet upon my sand
Which sucks as if by tidal pull
And then releases - merciful

Come hold me as the waves recede
And bare the shore with teeth of greed
'Til in her nakedness she cries
And beats her breast to mournful skies

Come love me by this anguished sea
Which ebbs and flows relentlessly
And tell me truth or tell me lies
For nothing here would cause surprise

Come with me, say your last farewell
Where none shall hear but angry swell
And none shall see my bitter tears
Which cannot wash away the years

O love I go with one regret
That you are unprepared as yet
To go where I must go from here
But I'll be waiting there, my dear




This candle
Gutting to a ragged waxy pool
Was once the source
Of strong abiding light
Which brought a kind of wisdom
To the dark
And warmed me
Like a roaring winter's fire


This flame
Fluttering with a shy uncertainty
Had once the strength
Of twenty neon bulbs
Which empowered me by some
To become the best
A shadow girl could be


This tallow
Soft and gnarled in tear-strewn heap
Lived once erect
In pride and majesty
Endowing me with some
Assuring faith
That we'd go on together
In perpetuity

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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