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In The Coals

In the glowing, deep red coals a picture formed - and in my mind
I saw my secret fantasies before my squinting eyes unwind
I stirred the coals with strangled breath and waited for the sparks to fall
Anticipating other scenes – as gypsy with her crystal ball

The embers set in mystic forms and you were there – I saw you clear
Your eyes, though hot with fire, were kind, and I could feel your presence near
For seconds, fleeting moments , Love, I strained to hear you speak my name
But you were gone and in your place a flickering blue and golden flame

And though I searched for hours more with narrowed eyes, I couldn’t see
I caught no glimpses of your face, nor heard you beckoning to me
The coals grew colder – amber now- imagination rose once more
And I was lost to sweet recall of mottled sands and surf- fringed shore

Where we had met those years ago when you and I were young and free
I almost tasted salt and then … the dying coals dropped suddenly
And with them fell my fragile hopes that all was more than wishful thought
A grain of life within the flames was all the proof my pained heart sought

The embers turned to soft grey ash and fluttered lightly in the breeze
I tried to laugh at foolish dreams and raked the ash to crush the tease
Perhaps on other wintry days when grief benumbs my weary brain
I’ll light the fire and let the coals form fantasies to ease my pain


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