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I close my eyes, my sleep-filled cloudy eyes
Then let the downy pillow cloak my ears,
Allow my thought-filled brain to take disguise
And crouch in darkened shadows void of fears
But one by one, like ghastly spectral shapes,
My thoughts emerge in vague and menacing pose
And while through dreams reluctantly I’ll traipse
I’ll speak no lines of poetry nor words of simple prose

My eyes, while blind, can see a thousand sights
My ears, sleep-clogged, pick out each ghostly sound
And limbs, made numb by sleep, may yet fight fights
Reposed in slumber, still my heart will pound
I cannot say which journeys I have made
Nor say which ghostly spirits I encountered on my way
And whilst I know I study every hillock, every glade
Each path I tread, each face I see, eludes me in the day

My wakeful hours are filled with anguished thought
Recall eludes me, though I keep a vigil to this end
But questions haunt me: was it I who really battles fought
Whilst I in waking conscience feel the world to be my friend?
And once again tonight sleep’s sticky fingers pull me down
Though I resist, this just delays the moment of my fate
And in sleep’s murky waters I’ll inevitably drown
But until then in fear and trepidation I must wait

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


The walls of my jail are the walls of my mind
And my fear is the lock on the door
My eyes are the windows; they only see in
But then what would they glance outward for ?

No happenings of wonder lie hid in my cell
There’s no thoughts there worth listening to
For I’m trapped and my freedom’s been taken from me.
Can you say you’re a prisoner too?

If you spoke, disengaging the lock with your key,
And unleashed your thoughts, let them run free
Would the minds of philosophers tune into yours?
Would the world a much better place be?

There are secrets outside which my eyes can’t behold
Smoother sounds I am longing to hear
But I’m only conditioned to lie in my jail
With my constant companion , Cold Fear

How would you cope, were you in my shoes?
Would you let out the scream of despair
As you run to your priests or psychiatrist friends?
Would you feel you deserved of their care?

For myself I know who is to blame for this cell
I designed it and built without aid
And I need no assistance so long as I stay
I’m alone but my soul’s unafraid

Only once did a ghost call me softly to come
And my hopes gave the voice misty face
Then my sleepy companion, Fear, clawed at my soul
‘Til my eyes readjusted to space

Do not waste of your pity on one such as I
I know more than you’d ever conceive
When the view from my prison looks brighter to me
I will grant myself instant reprieve

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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Latest Entry April 2004


Babys Graphics - more of Dawns poems here


Painting is ©Tom Sierak and used with his permission by Moon And Back Graphics to construct this set