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Does your colly really wobble
When your hat begins to bobble?
Can a periwinkle winkle any day?
Can a cauliflower flower?
Has a horsefly one horse power?
And are dandelions lions anyway?

Does a stickleback back winners?
Does a school enjoy school dinners?
Does a bluebell make a sweet and lovely sound?
Does a spider-plant plant spiders?
Do we really hang the gliders?
Does a catnip nip a cat while on the ground?

Does a passion fruit feel passion?
Does a date go out of fashion?
Can a tiger-lily pounce upon its prey?
Does a buttercup cup butter?
Would a grouse a mutter utter?
Would a chatterbox be filled with things to say?

And if an adder counts a ladder
In a stocking, nothing's madder
But a bladderwort that blooms comes very near
And to think of Busy Lizzy
Makes a person feel quite dizzy
So I'll sit and suckle honey for a year

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Latest Entry April 2004


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