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The Poet In Me

There was always a poem, somewhere in me
And words had their own way of setting me free
As if all the letters were links of a chain
That tethered me down to some internal pain
And lining them up on a page, one by one
Would release me to wander free under the sun

There was always a fountain of love in my heart
Which nothing but poetic phrase could impart
The look in my eyes may have tried to convey
But the ink and the paper was always my way
And taking the time to compose what I write
Is one way of letting emotions take flight <

There was always a puzzle I needed to solve
A knot to untangle, ideas to evolve
And many’s the time I have talked to the sea
Or walked in the clouds on some wild fantasy
And often the poems that this poet’s penned
Have conjured a life or imaginary friend

There are many strange things in the world I don't know
But out of my heart and my soul poems flow
So don’t expect me to retire any day
While there is a word or a sentence to say
I’ll fill every empty page in all the land
Until life is extinguished or poetry’s banned


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Latest Entry April 2004


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