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I saw you my love
In all the many colours of your being
And with love's needle I was thread
Upon the tinted strands,
Fine woven into the fabric of your soul,
Until our riotous tapestry was done

And if it were hung on heaven's walls
What rainbows we would cast across the skies
In ribbons broad enough for the whole world to see
So they would know the colour of our love
In all its glorious array.

I felt you near
And drank your essence into my soul
Which glowed with warmth,
Smouldering in the fire of your faith
As I drowned in the sweetness of desire,
I thanked the stars for knowing
That one moment in my life.

Yes, I saw you, tasted you,
Touched you with a part of me
I'd never known existed
I knew, in the shortest whisper of time,
That we will meet again
Somewhere, sometime.
And in that place and time, we will melt together
Like ripples in a troubled stream
To become one.

Now is not that place or time
And in this life- in the colours we wear in this world-
There is no common ground for us
To spread ourselves upon.
One day, when we reach that place
I shall know you by our tapestry
And by the familiar taste
And I think you will recognise me too...

Farewell my love...

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


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The graphics on this page are by Swt Melode
The links below are to hers and other favourite graphics sites.

Swt Melode

Pats Web Graphics Site

Moon and Back Graphics

Kirsten Harfot



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