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Rain beats down with childish fists
Crash, thump, doing the business
Hurling itself headlong as if possessed
The temper tantrum lasts for days
And the trees bow before the rain
And the earth absorbs like brittle sponge
And the lush green grass grows with glee
And tiny stones kick up heels to dance

But, oh, the mighty rain’s tantrum
Is as nothing beside that of a single flower
That bursts from the sodden loam
Incensed by the din from the darkened cloud
Provoked by the cascading torrent
Outraged at its early awakening
So furiously does it explode from the stem,
In wrath does it strain its head to see,
That in glorious pyrotechnic colour it boils
To the surface and on into wintry day

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Comes first the anger red and fierce
To purge the flesh of shock
Then next the pain of true remorse
To taunt and jeer and mock
Comes too the emptiness of loss
But moves at slower pace
And yet with stealthy steps it does
So cruelly embrace
Depraved, it laughs in hollow tone
And snatches victory
Takes hold and strangles every breath
To reigneth over me
Until… until another comes
More deadly than the rest
Comes now the fear of lying here~
A lone eternal test

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

Where is She?

Where is the sweet lady who always was there
Who brightened my life with a pat of my hair
Who shared in my troubles and stood by my side
Who gently caressed me whenever I cried
Who taught me to toddle, to walk and then run
Who made me believe every day was pure fun
Who nursed me to health with a smile on her face
And made my new world a much happier place?
Oh where is she now? Has her life reached it’s end?
No, I’ve found that my mother’s become my best friend

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

A Thought

In the corners of my mind
a new thought has begun
And though it’s only minutes old
I feel it is the one
That if it grows as some thoughts do
and doesn’t fade and die
My life will find new meaning and
my soul will learn to fly
It hasn’t gained momentum yet
but maybe given time
I’ll sort out all the ifs and buts
the reason and the rhyme
It’s taken almost three decades
to see this point of view
And though I’ve had a million thoughts
there’s only been a few
That gave me this excitement
made me glad to be alive
But now the seed is truly sown
I’ll fight to see it thrive

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


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Latest Entry April 2004


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