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She’s been waiting thirty years for this day
And she’s grown all the flowers for her dusky-pink bouquet
They were seeds in a trowel when she made her first avowal
That they’d make their scented debut in this way

He turned thirty-one last June and panic struck
And the terror that he felt gave him the pluck
To propose to his lover without running for cover
Now his friends are buying rounds for his good luck

She has sewn each careful stitch upon her gown
Antique ivory lace with bow of chocolate brown
She embroidered all with pearls and with curlicues and whirls
Worked and toiled as her mean candles melted down

His head spins as the final day draws near
He’s been drinking every night to stem the fear
He’s not much of a fighter but the noose is closing tighter
Trouble is, to him the reason’s not quite clear

She’s alone in all the world except for one
But to her he is the moon and stars and sun
She has faith in her tomorrow and there is no room for sorrow
No time either, she is having too much fun

He has walked past the old church with heavy tread
Ineffectual hopes of banishing his dread
But the time is surely nearing and he cannot stop the fearing
Can’t withdraw now...he has surely made his bed

Now the blue cloak that she keeps behind the door
Covers every ivory inch down to the floor
She wants no one to behold her, though she’d never give cold shoulder
But for now in understatement she’s secure

He has all of his friends close by his side
As he walks towards the church and to his bride
He prays God might yet deliver but he feels a mighty shiver
Tremble through him, and he feels like someone died

She walks up towards the church to see the crowd
And she listens to the words they say aloud
Every phrase of consolation, not a word spoke of elation
And she wonders at the man who looks so cowed

At the altar, groom and best man check the rings
When the organist plays, the choir sings
And the bride-groom turns to see if maybe his new bride to be
Has overnight, as she lay sleeping, sprouted wings

Her home-grown flowers have finally come of age
As they make their scented debut on the stage
To a rapturous applause she enters in through diamond doors
And she sings just like a bird freed from its cage

The groom and the best man sit and wait
Though they now know that the bride is not just late
For the letter that she wrote, really no more than a note
Says for once its her who’s cancelling their date

A man stands in the wings and holds the cloak
He coughs into his hand to hide the choke
He can’t believe their luck, this girl who’d always seemed stage-struck
Is now a celebrated diva at one stroke

It’s late, the would-be groom’s the worst for wear
Blurry-eyed he smiles to see the diva there
She’s radiant with love, the kind you get from up above
She passes by the would-be groom and doesn’t stare

They never met, it’s true, but for one glance
And that was just a passing circumstance,
He’s envious but then this chance may never come again
He's lost what appetite he had for all romance


copyright owned by 'Dawn'





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