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Between then and now
The dividing light
Knows the why and how
And the wrong and right

We were so in tune
Through the day and night
It was over too soon
The dividing light

Was a rift, which grew
To a chasm so deep
I could not reach you
Nor could our love leap

Cross the fathomless space
Where our love once began
The dividing light
Was no bridge we could span

So I stand on my one side
And you upon yours
While through this great divide
Through the widening jaws
The dividing light pours

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Tell me Man, how do you see the world we have created?
While I ponder, minutes pass and now that thought’s outdated
Can we stop advancement now or slow our racing speed ?
I am not the first to ask but impulse pays no heed
Progress is defined as good and satisfaction’s bad
I once thought along those lines but now they make me sad

Can we not be satisfied with all we’ve done to date?
Shall we not sit down and say tomorrow we’ll create?
Or better yet, now we have built, can’t we just live for now?
O no, you say, as you rush on, your hand upon the plough
There still are many stones unturned upon this fading star
And there are many roads to take, it’s quicker in the car

So many fights we have to fights, more battles to be won
And we must fight them all, you say, to save the unborn son
Well damn you, damn you, stop the wars – that’s all I have to say
If this is how his future’s bought your son will rue this day
And you’ll be seen in history as those who would not heed
As Man who slit his own weak wrist, then boggled at the bleed

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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