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Truth (1)

Is truth a thought of ancient years
Passed on to future generation
Or is it an emotive beast
In wait for human veneration?

Does it exist in time and space?
Can it be grasped by human fist
Or is it an ethereal gas
Which some unearthly being has missed?

Mislaid like any useless thing
And floating down on filmy cloud
Can it be heard by human ear
Or by some human hand endowed?

Has it the right to our esteem
When we perceive it only rarely?
When it has manifold faces…truth
And yet it allows us one - that barely

When it requires us to believe in
More than human eye perceives
Is it any wonder that we doubt
When truth itself so often deceives?
 copyright owned by 'Dawn'


The Bride


Forgetfulness, he stole her for his bride
And with love's jealousy
Disdains to cast her memory's veil aside

She only sees the wedding guests, her past,
Through ivory gauze
Diminishing her view that once was vast

The bridegroom gave confusion as his ring
And stole her clarity
His love for her is all encompassing

The wedding dress becomes her ivory tower
She dwells within
Beloved rose, the blushing bridal flower

Contentment reigns within their marriage bed
The wedding guests are gone
And she, fair rose, embraces spouse instead

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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