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We stared in one another’s eyes
With unconcealed and real surprise
Beware, I heard my heart advise
Recall your last and pained goodbyes
And then…

The moment passed, the danger went
“Did you receive the flowers I sent?”
“Oh yes and I adored their scent”
But had I misread their intent?

“The weather’s changed, I’m cold are you?”
“Why don’t you take my jacket?- do”
His offer came right from the blue
Should I accept, what would ensue?

“Or maybe we should have a drink;
A warming toddy do you think?”
I cannot think, I need a shrink
Am I returning to the brink?

“Oh no, I see you haven’t time
It’s such a shame – almost a crime
A romance should be so sublime”
“A romance?”I in echo chime

“Of course we could say Cheerio
And I could sadly watch you go
And then you’d never, ever know
That I still love you, love you so”

I didn’t hear – he didn’t say…
I really must get far away
“I’m sorry I must not delay”
But “Wait”, he says, “I beg you stay”

“You’re mad”, I state,”You’re quite insane.
Why yesterday you caused me pain
And now you trouble me again
I’ve told you I must catch my train”
And then…


copyright owned by 'Dawn'


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The graphics on this page are by Swt Melode
The links below are to hers and other favourite graphics sites.

Swt Melode

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Kirsten Harfot

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