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I looked for you down by the sea
Along the pebbled shore
My body weak from missing you
I trudged for hours foot-sore
But though I felt your presence dear
And heard your whispered name so clear
I lost my hopes in one large tear
Goodbye for evermore

The journey home I don’t recall
I drove without concern
In reflex, automatically
I knew each twist and turn
My eyes were misty in my grief
Made actual by my belief
The tide had stolen like a thief
And left me here to yearn

The house was cold, unwelcoming
And chilled my aching soul
You’d never more envelope me
Nor fill the hearth with coal
What was it love that made you go
When always I have loved you so?
I guessed that now I’d never know
Nor evermore be whole

That night as I sat in your chair
All wrapped up in my shawl
I pictured you upon the bridge
Well lashed to fight the squall
You’d known the sea was angry when
You left the shore to sail again
Did you intend to hurt me then
Or just my heart to maul?

But morning found a different view
Inside the heart of me
I knew you’d never close the door
On all that we could be
The plans we’d made when we were young
Upon which all our dreams were hung
Were songs my sailor man had sung
Each time he went to sea

Again I walked along the beach
And searched it’s pebbled floor
But now with eyes that burned with hope,
I knew what I searched for
The message you had sent to me
As you met with your destiny
Farewells from you to set me free
And Loving Evermore


copyright owned by 'Dawn'


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As always, I should like to thank Moon and Back Graphics for their superb decoration for my page and, in this instance, the fantastic work of artist Jim Warren whose link is to be found below

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