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  Can it get much better than this? ( I don’t think so )
But I’ve been saying that for years
Seems like the fountain just goes right on flowing
Like a river of salty tears
I wake up every morning honey
With a lump inside my throat
And I’m half-afraid to open my eyes
In case you’ve left a goodbye note


  I’m standing on the edge
And I’m waiting for the fall
You never gave me any cause
That’s the wonder of it all
I’m looking at the deep abyss
And my heart can feel the pain
But I only have to touch your hand
And you make me whole again

  Is my future in your loving arms?( I hope so)
Because I couldn’t walk alone
We pay the price for love with this unknowing
And harvest fruit from seeds we’ve sown
I lie awake while you are sleeping
I count my blessings one by one
But then I still can’t believe it baby
When you’re there with the morning sun


  I’m standing on the edge
And I’m waiting for the fall
You’re the angel on my shoulder baby
There’s no fear in you at all
While I stare into the deep abyss
And I start to feel the pain
You offer me your hand and heart
And make this woman whole again

More of My Poems

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