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Previous name(s): none
Cub name: Isani
Preserver title: calm-nice highthing
Holt: not in holt

Race: elf
Gender: male
Age: 469
Height: 4'6"
Build: a bit gaunt, wiry muscles.
Hair: dark auburn, wavy. Most of it tied to a ponytail, bangs. Thick front hair.
Eyes: squarish, dark green
Skin color: quite pale, light freckles on cheeks
Facial features: thin face with defined cheekbones, sharp jaw. In certain light looks like a carved statue.
Voice: quiet, sometimes very strained but still quiet
Mental voice: more elaborate and a bit sharper than normal voice, but often with a guarded feel
Scars, birthmarks, tattoos etc: many scars, the most notable ones a large burn-scar on lower right arm and many smaller scars on back and shoulders

Usual clothing:
Warm seasons: simple dark brown trousers and low boots, brown hooded shirt
White-cold: fur boots and coat over summer clothes, gloves
Jewelry/Adornments: none
Weapons/tools/special items owned: brightmetal knife, heavy staff, longbow and arrows

Mother: unknown
Father: unknown
Siblings: none
Other relatives: unknown
Cubs: unknown
Adopted Cubs: none
Mates: none currently
Recognized: unknown
Soul siblings: none

Magical powers: sending (average), magic feeling (average)
Talents: tracking (good), archery (good), bow- and arrowmaking and fletching (good), fishing (average), cooking (average), playing antler-harp (good)
Position in tribe: bowyer/fletcher, cook (hunts occasionally)
Weapon skills: bow (good, though out of practice), dagger (poor), staff (average)

Behavior: friendly in a quiet way, has darker moods when he goes to sit alone to some beautiful place. He's not very easy to get close since he doesn't want to tell about his past or even remember it - and it's still too close to let it just be and go on with his life. He's very patient and hard to anger.
Fears: losing his freedom and/or self again, nightmares
Likes: watching cubs, sky, forest, 'just being'
Dislikes: trolls, underground, closed places

Bond animal: none
Race: Wolf
Gender: female
Age: 2
Name: Rainbiter
Appearance: Dappled - light and dark gray, very 'camouflaged'.
Personality: Going to be a great hunter someday. Was named for her tendency to chase raindrops, trying to catch each one before they hit the ground. Guarded, but friendly, she is a bit on the serious side.

Quote: "I'm sleeping outside." and "You /don't/ want to know." with serious eyes.

Has strong dislike to all kinds of closed places and won't go in caves at all. Tells about his past: "First we didn't fight humans or trolls, then we did, and then the trolls caught us. Don't ask me how we got out, I lost myself there. Last thing I remember before this was the caves." And then he closes up like a clam.

Year Description
-464 Birth
1, summer Arrived at Starpool Holt
5, autumn Left in Snowfox's band