
featuring Kizzacious C



July 3,2002:

 Before I start with my column I just want to say that I am more organized now. I know more of what I am doing instead of just writing crap down. Hopefully, in time my writing will get better. So I will have my column and than a review or maybe a piece of entertainment news, mommy like? No? Ok,how about daddy like?

 What do I have up my sleeve for today's Kizzastrophe? 

Up Kizz's Sleeve 4 July 3,2003:

1.America the Beautiful (main story)

2.Music Rave: Incubus, Warning Don't Let This Band Pass You By


America the Beautiful

   I was watching CNN today and they were talking about how we need to be careful about visiting monumental places during the 4th. Such as, the Statue of Liberty. It would be awful to be visiting the Statue of Liberty and have it blow up with you in it. I mean I love fireworks but , I  do not want to be in a fireworks show.  So for all of our safety we should  just stay at home and relax, right? 

    You hear people say "If we stay away from visiting historical and monumental structures, we basically let the terrorists beat us!" And we all know we don't want the terrorists to have beaten us while we are sitting at home with family. We'd rather take a chance of being blown up so we could see the Statue of Liberty or the White House. We all know we cannot see them another day, they might disappear you know...(note: I am saying that with sarcasm). If we do stay at home instead of going to some historic place, how do the terrorists know that we stayed home? I mean, do they have cameras in our houses now? Are we on Big Brother?! Please no! Let me be on a better reality TV show than Big Brother! Wait...if this is a fear, could we be on Fear Factor! If you want to go to a historic place for the fourth of July than I guess, fear is not a factor for you.

    Did you hear about the whole Toby Keith and Peter Jennings ordeal? For ABC's Fourth of July show, Toby was going to sing his song," Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue". Jennings supposedly found the lyrics to be explicit. Oh come on! Give me a break! I forgot Peter Jennings is from Canada. But hey! You know what I love Canadians. I mean a fave band of mine is from Canada. Oh, and South Park is hilarious. I just think Jennings is overreacting.

    While we are talking about patriotism what do you think about the whole Pledge of Allegiance deal? I think it is retarded. I mean, the Pledge unconstitutional? Just because it says "God"? While we are at it, why don't we rule movies that have GD in it unconstitutional. Or when people say "oh my god" is that not unconstitutional?  Besides, when people say the pledge one nation under God could mean different things to them. It could be Muhammad or Ali. It could mean Satan to some people, for all we know.  And if you do not like it, you do not even have to say it. Nobody is forcing you. It is not like we have a gun pointed to people's heads making them say the pledge as they stare at the flag. 

    This is all my opinion, like it, hate it, love it. I do not care what you think about it. 



    Incubus: Warning Don't Let This Band Pass You By

    Looking for a rock band that is different from the rest? A band that has a very unique sound? Well, my friend, I think the band you are looking for is Incubus. The lead singer is Brandon Boyd. Not only does he have a great voice, he is hot too.  Their lyrics are incredible. I have never been to one of their concerts, but I have read and heard about them. Just go to and go to the message board. You can read about their experiences. One girl on the board said," One of the best concerts I have been too!!!!!!" Another said about their concert in New Orleans," I gathered up four friends and traveled 9 hours from Arkansas down to see the show. It was beyond anything I expected. Just spectacular is all I can say. Two of my friends weren't looking forward to the show, but after seeing them afterwards, they had been converted. Another job well done."

    Some of the songs I like by them are: Stellar, Drive, Wish You Were Here, Warning, 11 AM, Nice To Know You, Aqueous Transmission, and my all time favorite is I Miss You. All of their songs are great, those are just some of my favorites.      

    Their newest single is "Warning". I like the video and the song. It has a really good meaning. Some of you may wonder what exactly does it mean? Brandon Boyd says it tells a small story about a person who has the world at the tips of her fingers but through the art of distraction and compromise she wakes up one day to find that it has slipped by her. And the information she gains from her mistake she shares in song with the rest of the world. Kind of a 'don't do what I did' lamentation.    

    Check out their newest album Morning View. Check out their other ones too.  The official website for Incubus is . Do not let this band pass you by.


special thanks to


    Well, I hope I did not offend anybody. If you have any requests or ideas please feel free to email me at I am always looking for ideas for my column. Or if you have a singer/band you would like me to write about, just send me a note. Keep your fourth kizzaciously real and wicked pissah!

                                                           Have a safe and happy holiday! 


June 23,2002:

 Expecting Carrie from "Sex and the City"? Well, I am sorry to say that I am not a sex columnist. Also, that is just a character played by Sarah Jessica Parker. I assure you that this will be a wicked pissah column anyway!

 Anyhoo, I am Kizzacious C. I write this column for Nick. My column is going to be about everything and anything. There are no limits when it comes to my column. I think,actually,I fuggin' know you are going to like my column. I will talk about movies,music,celebs,television,my life,etc. 

 First, I am going to talk about last night's eppy of Saturday Night Live. Of course, it was a re-run. The host was Sir Ian McClellen and musical guest was Kylie Minogue. It started with a Donatella Versace sketch. I like all of the Versace sketches. I also liked the skit about the detective on the hot air balloon. Weekend Update was funny, one of my fave parts because of Mr. Jimmy Fallon. He's so sexy! My fave part of the whole show was from WU. It was when Sir Ian came out as Maggie Smith and kissed Jimmy. Jimmy's reaction was so hilarious. It was an okay show overall. 

 I also watched "Sex and the City" last night and tonight. I thought it was going to be stupid,over-rated,and involve a lot of sexual content. I was mistaken. I thought it was funny and an okay show. I really like that it takes place in New York City.

 Anyway, I recently went to Liberty Land with my cousin, Hannah. We walked around by ourselves. It was pretty fun and hilarious. It was hilarious because when we would get on rides I would "freak out" on purpose. For example, we were on the Tilt-a-Whirl, and that is like a baby ride to us. Nobody was really screaming so I thought it would be funny if I just started screaming. I had so much panic in my scream. I was like," GET ME OFF!!! PLEASE, FATHER HELP ME!!" It was so funny. Oh,those of you who like to go to Liberty Land during the summer might be wondering about what the park is like now. Well, as you know, they have a new ride called the Rebellion. If you have ever been to the Space Center in Huntsville,AL,you know they have a ride called the Space Shot. Basically, the Rebellion is like that only it lasts a whole lot SHORTER. It was pretty fun though. I liked it, my cuz hated it cuz it scared the pee out of her,haha. I recommend it though if you like to get scared or if you just like rides like that.

 I will be going to Tunica this week. I hope it is going to be a fun trip. I love hotels, by the way. Hotels are kick arse. Well, if you stay in a nice hotel. I mean hotels rock because of the TV channels they have that you do not have. Also, I just like staying in hotels.

 Well, I am going to sign off now. I will write later. Make sure to have a spiffaniffalacious day. Oh,and keep everything "kizzaciously" wicked!

                                   Kizzacious C