new beginnings

Lance stood looking out a large window. He watched the dark sky twinkle with a beautiful life of it's own. He took a deep breath as he lowered the blinks to the window. He then released the heavy velvet curtains from their bindings and drew them closed. The room darkened, lit only by many colorful candles.

Lance turned his attention to a movement made from his couch. Quickly he moved to check on the disturbance. He knelt down next to the couch watching for any other signs of movement.

Abigail's eyes flickered open. For a moment she stared at the ceiling as she tried to get her bearings, oblivious to the man next to her. She felt a horrible, almost painful pressure in her chest. As the seconds went by the pain grew substantially. She began to panic unsure of where she was and what was happening.

Abigail moved her hands to her chest where the pain now became almost unbearable. Frightened, she sat up quickly taking a huge gasp of air that filled her lungs and dulled the pain. She then allowed herself to take another deep breath hoping to cease the pain completely. Her effort was useless, the pain in her chest remained although seemingly subdued at the moment. She forced herself to take in air, having to voluntarily use her lungs.

"Abigail?" Lance's voice interrupted.  

Abigail turned quickly surprised at the man's presence. She starred silently at him, blinking her eyes to try to focus on the figure before her. The room was lit, but the man was in front of a large candle shadowing his features. Abigail closed her eyes as they too began to ache. In fact, slowly she began to realize her entire body ached to some degree.

"Abigail?" Lance asked again.

The deep voiced seemed to echo through the room loudly. She felt like she was being bombarded with huge amounts of sights and sounds. All seemingly pushed at her and almost indistinguishable. There was somehow something familiar about the loud voice.

Lance watched patiently as he observed Abigail. Her expression confirmed her confused and dazed mental state. He knew she had to adjust. He hoped she would adjust.

"Abigail, it's Lance," he said softly to her.

His voice reached her this time. She looked straight at him narrowing her eyes as she continued to try to focus. She moved her mouth trying to speak, but no sound escaped.

"Take a small breath then push it out while you speak. Think about it when you do it," he instructed quietly.         

She did as she was told, resulting in a quite but audible voice, "What's happening to me?"         

"You were changed into a vampyre. You're body is adjusting to being dead and it's new abilities," he replied, his voice still soft.         

Abigail looked away from Lance as if trying to comprehend what he just said. She strained trying to focus on the room around her. Slowly her vision began to clear. It was an effort on her part, but her vision focused.   However it didn't last for long, it seemed when she moved her eyes too quickly they would blur out again forcing her to refocus. "Where am I?"         

"We're in my apartment," Lance explained.  

"Why are we here? Where's Sully?" she asked feeling a strong waive of panic sweep her.         

Lance could see the fear hit her. Her face explained everything. "Sully has things he has to take care of. He brought you here for me to look after," he reassured with a calm voice.         

Abigail relaxed a little, but her body language still showed she was tense. She still felt confused. The pain returned to her chest and she gasped for air to subside it. "Why am I hurting?"         

"You're body hasn't fully realized that it's dead yet and doesn't have to do to certain things like breath anymore. It will pass shortly. The pain will gradually stop completely. You're eyes will begin to focus on their own with new vision and sounds will become individual, distinguishable and controllable."         

"How did you know I couldn't focus and about the sounds?"  

"I still remember when I was embraced. It was very scary and confusing for me. I thought I'd never be able to control my sight or hearing without thinking and focusing about it, but I have and I'm here none the wear."         

"I'm so scared Lance. I want Sully."  

"I know you're frightened, but I'm here for you and I won't leave you.  I'm sure Sully will visit you just as soon as he can."  

"What do you mean visit? Isn't he coming back for me and taking me to the mansion?"         

"You will be able to go when you are ready."  

"Ready for what exactly? Why can't I be with Sully now?"  

Lance sighed knowing she had to find out what exactly happened sooner or later. He had just hoped it would be the latter, but he refused to lie to her. "Sully brought you here for me to sire you."         

"You sired me? I don't understand, why?"  

"He brought you to me because he knew that if he sired you, there was a great possibility that your mental stability would be in jeopardy and he didn't want to chance it. He knew that my clan is the only clan known that witches can stand a chance of surviving in."         

"I guess I understand. So Sully asked you to sire me?"  

"Yes and I did. Now I will help you adjust to your knew abilities, lifestyle and teach you everything you need to know to be able to survive in vampyre society on your own."         

"How long does all this teaching and learning take?"  

"It varies per vampyre, but there's no reason to worry about that tonight. We will have lots of time to begin and work on that. After a while I'll be able to see how you respond and progress and at that point I will let you know how long I think it will take you. "         

Abigail sat quietly trying to absorb the information Lance explained. Her eyes began to focus without as much effort, however they seemed to blur around Lance more now than before. She stared at him trying to get the blur to stop but she was unsuccessful. She decided her effort was useless and closed her eyes for a moment. A strong wave of nausea interrupted her.         

"Are you ok?" Lance asked still able to read her obvious body language.  

"I feel sick," she explained unable to shake the ill feeling building in her stomach.         

"You're hungry," he responded with almost a laugh.  

"This is hunger? I feel as if I'm going to be sick."  

"It'll stop when you eat. You are very weak and still new to being a vampyre. It won't be as intense the stronger you are."  

Abigail looked to Lance. She watched through hazy eyes as he took a fingernail and slit his own wrist. Warm thick blood oozed from the gash. She smelt it and almost felt it moving in front of her. She watched as he lifted his wrist to her face. "Drink," he instructed.         

She hesitated watching the blood begin to drip from his wrist. She heard a single drop hit her clothing. She felt pressure in the front of her mouth and an incredible, almost uncontrollable urge to taste his offering.         

Lance watched as Abigail's fangs descended. He smiled softly as he felt her lips touch his skin, then her teeth. He watched as his newly sired vampyre drank from him. He felt incredibly satisfied and parental as he felt her drain him of what she so desperately needed.

+life after...+

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