life after...


Jolee sat in a dark booth watching her club. Usually just being in the club excited and simulated her. Tonight however, was different. Her normal bubbly and social attitude was replaced with a sadness and loneliness.  Her usually following of friends by her side was replaced with Tom sitting next to her in the booth.         

Her mood seemed contagious as Tom's hyper and excited self seemed not unlike that of Jolee's new disposition. He sat quietly next to her watching the club seemingly coping her every move in some sad mockery.         

"You don't have to stay her Tom. I'm fine," Jolee announced with melancholy in her voice.         

"No, no Jolee not fine. Jolee sad. Things went sour and things went bad. Vampyres, all vampyres sad tonight. Makes Tom blue too. Tom don't want to be alone. Jolee don't want to be alone," Tom replied in the same saddened tone Jolee had used.         

"You may be a bit off your rocker Tom, but you have great perception."  

"Tom not off Tom's rocker. Tom in a booth. Tom maybe a little eccentric, but Tom knows when things are bad."  

"Yeah, things are very bad."         

"Jolee sad?"     

"Yes, I'm very sad."         

"Jolee is sad because loony vampyre lover banished? Jolee sad because Jolee suspended from council?"         

"Yeah, I'm sad because of all of those things."  

"Jolee no be so meloncoly. Jolee come back to council soon. Sully will reinstate Jolee. Jolee will be exuberant."  

"Maybe he will, but I still lost my old love. How could he betray me like that?"         

"Tom knows how Jolee feel. Jolee breathtaking. Jolee will find vampyre to surpass lunatic paramour. Vampyres sometimes change after embrace. Jolee's love turned from lovely gentleman to insane bastard."         

"Perhaps you're right Tom."         

"Of course Tom is correct. Tom knows multitudes of knowledge. Tom maybe a little unconventional, but Tom knows stuff."         

Jolee let a small smile crack her face. Tom and his clan may be known for being crazy at times, but they were good at hiding how intelligent they really were. She knew even thought Tom was hard to understand at times he sure comprehended more than he lead others to believe.         

"Jolee feeling improved now?"         

"I feel a little better, than you Tom."  

"Tom jovial now. Besides, look around Jolee. Jolee could have any male in this establishment."     

"Do you really believe that?"     

"Tom does. Jolee one foxy dame."         

Jolee couldn't help but laugh at Tom's innocence and frankness. It was hard to feel bad when Tom seemed set on showing her that her life wasn't over with. Somehow Tom's presence was just what she needed to feel herself enough to let the clubs atmosphere take over.         

Tom watched the club and a man entering the club caught his eye. The man saw the couple in the booth and was now on an obvious route to their table. "Jolee don't look now. It's Tom's courtly stud. Act ordinary so Mark don't think Tom detects Mark's presence."         

Jolee smiled again at the strange antics of her companion. He obviously tried to look preoccupied as Mark approached.         

"Hello," Mark said when he arrived.         

"Oh hello Mark. Tom didn't observe Mark's presence."  

"You saw me Tom. I saw you saw me," Mark argued.  

"Tom had no knowledge of your entrance," Tom replied.  

"You watched me walk in. You looked, I saw," Mark continued.  

"Tom has no concept of what Mark indicates," Tom continued.  

"Thank you Tom for your company but I must go. I'm feeling better now," Jolee interrupted trying to stop an already jaded conversation.  

"Au revoir mademoiselle," Tom replied.  

"Bye Jolee," Mark added.         

Jolee left Mark and Tom in the booth to continue their disagreement of who saw who. She indeed felt better, but she'd feel her best when everything blew over and became back to normal again.


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