good start

Abigail stood in front of the large window in Lance's front room. She starred out into the vast city of bright lights and busy mortals. She concentrated on the sounds of the street below her. She could now separate and distinguish different sounds, homing into the one sound she was interested in. She practiced, changing her target from one person to the next, listening in on private conversations and peering briefly into the lives of those that walked below her. In some strange way, she was enjoying her eavesdropping.

She allowed her attention to stay on the sounds below as she continued to stare out at the city buildings. She let out a sigh yearning for an outing into the city. She missed the hussell and the interaction of life. She hungered for the sites and sounds of life and to know that it was close to her, not below her from the apartment building. She began to wonder when Lance would think she was ready enough to go outside alone or even to go out with him on his nightly feedings.

Abigail was surrounded by the new abilities of sounds and sights from her vampyre senses, but with Lance gone, she felt horribly alone. She knew he would not be long. He never was gone for long, but while he was she could feel the incredibly pain of loneliness. It seemed that all the emotions she felt were now heightened as much as her new senses. She didn't like the feeling. She wanted Lance to return.

Movement in the halls of the building caught her attention. She focused in on what seemed to be two sets of footsteps. She listened intrigued as they became louder. She could now hear two voices. It was Lance, and he was with someone else. When they neared the entrance of the door, she recognized the second voice. Her heart skipped a beat and she quickly made her way to the front door to meet them.

The apartment door opened as Lance and Joey entered the room. Abigail was standing in front of them happy to see the two of them. She smiled and hugged Joey before he had a chance to realize she was before him. He smiled back iin surprise and hugged her back tightly in his arms.

"Joey!" Abigail cried feeling a ton of emotions she could barely understand.

"Hey there Abby. I missed you too," Joey replied still holding her tightly.

"I missed you. God I missed you," she answered feeling tears fill her eyes.

"Hey, what about me Abby?" Lance asked acting as if he was offended.

"I see you everyday Lance. Let me say hi to Joey for a while," Abigail answered shrugging Lance's comment off.

Abigail let go of her hold on Joey and took a long look at his face. She was so happy to see him again. There was a time she thought she would never see him again. She was beginning to worry since at times she couldn't even remember what he looked like. She took a moment to permanently etch his face into her memory.

"You look like you're doing well. Is Lance taking good care of you?" Joey asked looking her slim figure over.

"Of course he is. He's teaching me a lot. Sometimes so stuff much I think my head will explode, but it's good," she smiled.

"Why don't you guys have a seat and catch up. I'm going to get a few things prepared for Alex for his first council meeting," Lance explained and then left the two others alone.

Abigail pulled Joey to the couch and sat down. She tugged on his arm persuading him to join her. "How have you been? I feel like years have gone by since we last saw each other," Abigail said excitedly.

"I've been good, although I must say I have been worried about you," Joey answered.

"I'm fine. Lance is taking care of me."

"So I can see that. You look very happy and healthy. Are you getting the hang of your new senses?"

"Yes, it's strange, but I think I'm getting quite good at them. I just wish I didn't have to be so isolated."

"I know. You've never been a person who liked to be alone, but it's best if only one vampyre is there to train you. That way no one else is tempted to interfere and confuse you."

"I suppose, but I really do miss all of you."

"Well, I must say you are sorely missed as well."

"So how is everyone else?"

"Well, things are going good actually."

"Ok, but you didn't answer my question, how is everyone?"

"They are fine. It's nothing for you to worry about Abby. You need to concentrate on other things. Not on vampyre society yet."

"Joey, I want to know how everyone is. I'm not going to worry, I just need to know. They are my friends too."

"Well Justin is recovering quite well. Heath is taking good care of him. We think Justin should be able to be up and around by himself soon."

"What happened to Justin?" Abigail asked confused.

"Abby, don't you remember what happened?" Joey questioned concerned.

"Happened when?"

"The night that you were changed."

"Not really, and Lance won't go into detail about it. What happened?"

"Abby, I can't tell you, that's Lance's job. Just know that Justin was hurt that night, but he is doing fine."

Abigail sighed, unhappy with his answer, but as she learned with Lance no one will tell her anything until they see she can handle it. Whatever that meant. "And Jolee?"

"She's good. She is spending a lot of time at the club. She sends her love to you."

"Let her know I think about her and I can't wait to get back to the club."

"I will. She will be glad to hear you are doing well."

"How about everyone else?"

"Everyone is fine."

"Sully?" she asked trying to get more information from her non helpful source.

"He's ok," Joey replied not wanting to get on that subject.

"Has he asked about me?"

"Abby, Lance has asked me not to talk about Sully with you and I must respect that."

"But why? Why is Sully such a taboo subject? He's my love," she asked getting upset.

"I can't because you get too emotional when you talk about him, like you are now, and that's not something you need right now."

Abigail sighed again, this time giving a small pout. She was tired of being treated like a child all the time. She wasn't going to break and was upset no one treated her like they use to.

"Abby, please don't be mad at me. I wanted to come and see you and let you know you are loved."

"Whatever," she huffed.

Joey sighed knowing he had hurt her feelings. "Well, I have to go. I didn't want to leave on a bad note, but I have things to do before the council meeting. I just had to see you. I'll come visit you again and hopefully you will be in a better mood."

Abigail watched as Joey stood up then leaned over and kissed the top of her head. He then disappeared to the front door where he yelled for Lance. She watched as Lance walked into the room with a smile and opened the door.

"I'll be right back Abigail," Lance announced then disappeared with Joey outside the door.

chapter 6 coming soon

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