
Music filled the air consuming all activities. Multiple conversations merged to one, only to be heard in brief periods of the absence of music as songs changed.

The club was full of life. People dancing, drinking, laughing, talking and amusing themselves. All oblivious to the woes of everyday life.

At a table, three figures talked under the soft glow of the table candle. Two men sat there dressed in Armani suits. They were well groomed and obviously well built. The woman who sat with them was also well dressed. Her burgundy wrap dress clashing against her companies dark blue suits.

The woman laughed, amused by the conversation. Her long black hair resting perfectly on her bare mocha colored shoulders. Her hazel eyes glittering with excitement.

The man next to her was professional looking. His dark monochromatic outfit loose, unsuccessfully hiding his built body under it. His hair was a light brown which was cut short and crawled down his face into a small goatee. His blue green eyes a blazed unconsciencely scanning the room watchfully.

Their last companion resembled the other man. Same type dark blue suit. His dark brown hair cut short and tidy. He also wore a goatee as his predecessor did. His brown eyes in half moons that cradled his joyful face. He took a drink of wine from his glass before him, unveiling large biceps that hid in his suit jacket.

"I can't believe he said that to you," the woman said in the midst of laughter.

"I could hardly believe it myself, but he did," the second man responded, his eyes still half mooned in amusement.

"Obviously he had no idea who he was speaking to," the first man said running a long strong finger over his wine glass.

"Oh Sully, don't be such a spoil sport," the woman said gently nudging her friend.

"I'm not," Sully responded.

"Jolee's right. You've been such a sour puss lately," the second man said observing his sullen companion.

"Sully, you just need to let loose and relax. This is my club and I won't allow you to be moody," Jolee answered taking another sip of her dark drink.

"I'll relax when I feel it's permitted. Besides I'm fine," Sully replied tying to smile.

"You need a woman. We need to find him a woman. Tell him Joey," Jolee sang.

"You need a woman Sully," Joey repeated trying to stifle his giggles.

"I'm fine. I don't need anyone. You two have had too much drink," Sully responded watching Jolee take another large gulp of her liquid.

"Our blood is hot. Besides, what's wrong with a little fun now and then. Remember fun my friend,?" Joey answered.

"Speaking of fun. Where's Lance?" Jolee asked to no one particular, looking through the crowd to find the answer herself.

Sully looked hard at Joey. Sully didn't say a word, but Joey knew not to push the matter any further.

"Well hello there. Who's that?" Jolee asked.

Sully turned his attention to where Jolee seemed intoxicatedly starring. A black figure weaved through the crowd. His curiosity peaked and he sat forward leaning onto the table before him.

The figure seemed to move unnoticed by the crowd from which it walked. A black hooded cape concealed the person beneath it.

A small hand found it's way to the hood yanking it gently to uncover it's secret. A long red soft curl billowed out from the hood.

The woman appeared to be in her mid to late twenties. Her skin was soft and pale.. She was dressed in black pants and a tight, almost revealing shirt. Her heeled boots clicked beneath her.

Sully felt himself take a quick breath. The woman was absolutely beautiful. She was mysterious as well, which seemed to be much of her appeal at the moment. He saw her bright blue eyes scan the club seemingly searching for something.

"Well I'll be. Now there's a face I haven't seen in ages," Joey said breaking the table's silence.

"You know her?" Sully asked quickly.

"Yes. Well did know her. A long time ago, it seems," he answered standing up, starring at the new woman.

"She's pretty," Jolee observed.

Sully starred intensely at Joey who only stood there. He watched a smile emerge on his friends face.

"Abigail," Joey said softly.

The woman glanced quickly in Joey's direction. The two made eye contact and watched each other for only a few seconds. The new woman made no hesitation after that in heading towards their table.

Sully watched her make her way towards him. She moved so gracefully, almost as if she were floating to them. She dodged the dancers on the floor as if she knew their next step before they did.

Time temporarily slowed as her final steps were made. The clicks of her boots echoed in Sully's head. Her face was serious, eyes fixed on Joey. He watched as she took her final step. One last click. One last bounce of the single curl before time seemed to regain itself.

"Abigail. My word," Joey managed to say.

"Joseph," Abigail replied hugging Joey.

"It's great to see you," Joey said temporarily forgetting anyone but the woman before him.

The woman released him. Her smile soft. She sighed slowly. "It does me good to see you," she answered, her accent still had traces of a British tone to it.

"Hello," Jolee interuppted.

"Oh, Abigail these are my friends. This is Jolee," Joey introduced.

"Welcome to Sanctuary," Jolee smiled shaking the young woman's hand.

"Excuse me?" Abigail asked confused.

"My club. Sanctuary," Jolee answered.

"Oh, of course. It's a lovely place," Abigail answered softly.

"It's the best place in town," Jolee gloated.

"And this is Sully," Joey interrupted pointing to Sully.

Sully stood up in one quick movement. "Pleasure," he said as he took Abigail's hand and kissed it softly. Her hand was warm and smooth. A scent of wisteria filled his head from the kiss. Her hand looked so delicate in his large muscular palm.

"The pleasure is mine," she replied with a slight curtsy.

"It's been a long time Abigail," Joey interrupted once again. He watch Sully release her hand but not his gaze.

"Very long time Joseph," she answered.

"What are you doing in San Francisco?" he asked.

"Looking for you," she smiled.

"Come on Sully. Help me find Lance. Let's leave these two alone for a moment," Jolee said loudly.

She slide out from her seat. Sully made no attempt to follow her, his gaze was still on Abigail. Jolee leaned over and grabbed Sully's arm coaxing him out of the booth.

"It was very nice to meet you," Jolee said smiling.

"A true pleasure," Sully added, his blue green eyes fixed on her.

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you both," Abigail replied watching Jolee drag Sully off into the crowd. She watched Sully starring at her from the corner of her eye until he disappeared into the sea of people.

"Please sit," Joey broke the silence.

Abigail took a seat in the booth recently vacated.

"So what's got you all the way out to San Francisco? It's a long way from Salem, Massachusetts," Joey asked.

"I need your help Joseph," Abigail replied.

+the gift+
