the kiss

Abigail leaned against the balcony of the second floor room. She felt the cool ocean breeze caress her face. She watched as the moon light danced across the waives.

She marveled at the events of the last two weeks. Her mind barely had time to comprehend everything that had happened.

Abigail had officially moved into Sully's hugged sea side manner. her nights consisted mostly of helping Jolee at her club and mingling with Justin, her new bodyguard, Heath, Joey, Jolee, Lance and Sully. She had met more vampyres, but rarely saw them. The fort night had been one huge blur, but it was the safest and happiest she had been in a long time.

"Here you go darlin'," Sully said handing Abigail a glass of wine.

"Thank you," she smiled.

Sully offered Abigail his hand. She accepted it and he led her to the couch on the balcony. On either side of the couch were end tables decorated with burning candles. Abigail sat, followed by Sully.

"You love the view, don't you?" he asked.

"Very much so. It's so beautiful. I feel at peace out here," she replied taking a sip of her wine.

"You can come out here anytime you like," he replied as he reached for her hand. He held it firm in his.

"Well thank you. I'll definitely take you up on that offer," she said smiling.

"Good. So how are you tonight?" he asked taking a sip from his own glass.

"I'm ok. I feel really safe right now," she answered.

"It pleases me to hear you say that," he said watching her every movement.

"It's nice not having to worry or be constantly on guard. Eight months of that really took it's toll on me," she responded.

"Well, you let me do the worrying and the guarding and you continue to relax. I do have to ask you though. Why did it take you eight months to get here?" he asked.

"I was so distraught about what happened. I really had no clue what to do," she explained.

"He told you to find me though," he replied.

"True, but I had the image of Russell dying in my head. I just couldn't shake it. Then I got scared and went into hiding hoping the Vigilante would forget me,"she explained.

"Well, I'm glad you're here now," he answered.

"Me too," she agreed.

The two smiled and each took a drink from their own glass.

"I must admit I"m enjoying your company. The house has a much better feel to it," Sully admitted.

"I've actually enjoyed the stay myself. This is the most attention I've ever received," Abigail replied.

"You deserved all kinds of attention, but I have to confess that I've especially enjoyed my time spent with you," he said with a smile.

"Well, I definitely like spending time with you," she agreed.

"That means a lot coming from you. I do want you to know that I don't consider my time with you as business at all," he admitted.

"Thank you, I'm glad to know I"m not any type of business investment or profit," she answered.

"Not in the least. There is something about you. Something very special," he said squeezing her hand gently.

"Uhm yeah, I"m the only person who was actually at the elder massacre. I'm the only one who can identify who did it," she replied.

"No. No. That's not what I meant at all," Sully answered.

"What then? What am I to you," Abigail asked.

"More. A lot more. Maybe too much more," he replied.

"More? What do you mean?" she questioned.

Sully sighed. He wasn't sure what he should do. One part of him wanted to confess everything he felt, the other told him it wasn't worth the trouble. It was the first time he could remember when he actually didn't know what he should do.

"Sully?" she asked noticing his serious look.

Sully released Abigial's hand and sat forward in the couch. His head found refuge in his palms. He let his hands hid his face from the world.

"I feel things when I'm with you," he answered.

"We all feel things," she replied.

"No, hear me out please," he started.

"Ok," she said concerned.

"I feel things with you that I've never felt before. I'm sure I"m way out of line, but I really like you. I kept telling myself that I can't feel this way even if it's only because your mortal and I"m not, but it doesn't go away. I'm not in control. For the first time, I'm not in control, and it's great," he explained.

"Things have a funny way of sneaking up on you," she said almost in an admittance of her own.

"I know I shouldn't, but I think I"m falling for you. Every minute I"m with you, I fall harder. It's gotten to the point where I"m spiraling down and there's nothing to grab onto," he continued.

"I understand," she said watching him talk into his hands.

"I'm not telling you this because I think anything will come of it. I'm telling you this because I feel if I don't I'll explode. I completely lose myself in you," he explained further.

Abigail put her glass down and sat forward. She put an arm around Sully. He looked up to her upon feeling her touch. She held out a small hand in front of him. "Then take my hand. Grab hold of it and don't let go. We'll either stopped each other from falling or go down together," she replied.

"i don't understand," he said looking into her blue eyes.

"I understand how you feel because I feel the same way about you. I thought I had been in love before, but this makes that seem like a small crush," she confessed.

"You feel the same?" he managed to ask

"Yes, I do. From the moment I met you I haven't been able to get you out of my head. No matter what I try, it's too hard to fight, so I give in," she answered.

"We can't be together though. You're mortal," he protested mostly to his own thoughts.

"Why no? We can love, can't we?" she asked, her hand still out.

"Yes," he replied softly to her.

"Then we can try. We can love each other and see what existence has to offer. It may not be easy, but we can give it one hell of a try," she offered.

Sully looked at her hand, it was trembling slightly. He told himself no one last time but when he went to speak it, the strength was gone from him. He felt a rush of relief sweep him as he felt himself take her hand in his.

"Oh Abby," he said not knowing what else to say.

Abigail watched as Sully leaned into her, resting his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around the man and she felt him hold her back.

Sully lifted his head slowly allowing his lips to touch her skin. His lips ran up her neck and over her chin stopping only when they reached the destination they so desperately wanted. He tasted the sweetness of her lips on his.

Her mouth was warm against him. His kiss was gentle and sweet, fighting every urge to kiss her harder. He then allowed his lips to leave hers instantly yearning to return.

The release didn't last long. Abigail leaned forward enough to rejoin her lips with his, this time in a more passionate, more emotional kiss.

Next hit please.

