
Sully caressed Abigail's face enjoying the taste of her mouth. He felt his suit jacket pull and allowed it to be removed. Once it was gone he felt free and retuned the favor with a deep passionate kiss.

The world around them seemed to melt away. The only thing Sully was concerned with was Abigail. The way she smelled, the way her mouth and lips tasted the way she felt in his arms. He was lost in her.

He continued to kiss her. One strong hand holding her soft fragile neck as so she wouldn't pull away. His kiss became more passionate as he began to lose himself further in her.

Sully could feel Abigail's flesh become warmer with his every touch. Her hold on him was tight. He could hear her breath leave her. A soft moan escaped her throat soon joined by one of his own.

The doors to his office flew open startling the two. They quickly pulled out of their kiss, but Sully pulled Abigail close to his body as if for protection.

"Sully!" Joey shouted.

Sully relaxed a bit, but kept his hold on Abigail. "We're on the balcony, what is it?" he asked concerned.

Joey appeared on the balcony and watched Abigail in Sully's arms. "I... I didn't mean to intrude, but this is of the utmost importance," Joey replied moving his glance in front of him. Heath stood behind Joey in a similar military like position.

"What is it?" Sully questioned.

"I think this is something you'll want to hear alone," Joey answered.

Sully released his hold on Abigail. He looked at her slightly flushed face and smiled, "I'll be right back." He then got up and walked to Joey. "Well?" Sully asked.

"It's the Vigilante," Joey answered.

"Where?" Sully asked concerned.

"We saw Chris and two others walk into Sanctuary," Joey reported his voice soft.

"Were they causing trouble?" Sully questioned as he took a quick glance at Abigail.

"No, not when I was there. I'm sure it's only a matter of time though. I thought you'd want to know," Joey replied.

"Of course, thank you Joey. Will you stay here with Abigail?" Sully asked.

"Yes, of course," Joey said.

"Heath, get Justin to stand guard then meet me at the club," Sully ordered.

Heath nodded and left the room. Sully walked out after him leaving Joey with Abigail.

"What happened?" Abigail asked softly.

"Just some business came up sweetie. Nothing for you to worry about," Joey said sitting next to her.

"Will he be ok?" she continued to question.

"He'll be fine. He can take care of himself and he has Heath and his men,"Joey informed.

"Ok," she replied softly.

"You care about him don't you?" Joey asked.

Abigail could only nod as if words would be too much of a confirmation to herself.

"He's a great guy and I think he cares a lot of you," he answered her silent words.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes, he's been a lot happier since your arrival. Let's put it this way, I've never walked into his office before seeing him doing what he was just doing with you," he said laughing softly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know what came over me. I seem to lose all of my control when he's around," she said her voice still quiet.

"Do you think you could be in love?" he questioned.

Abigail sat in silence. She didn't want to answer the question. She knew the answer, but vocalizing the answered seemed to finalize everything.

"Abby? Are you ok?" Joey asked concerned.

"Yes, I do love him. I don't really understand it and I get so confused but I do love him," she answered as tears filled her eyes.

"Doll face, that' great so why are you crying?" he asked.

"I'm scared Joseph," she admitted as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I love him so much and I've never felt this way before. I barely know him really and I feel all this emotion when I'm with him," she confessed.

"Abby, I'm afraid that is how it happens. You've spent every waking minute with him for two weeks. I think you know him better than you think," Joey laughed.

"Even before I met him there was something. I'm not sure what it was, but something was there," she admitted.

"Have you ever thought that he might be who you're suppose to be with?" he asked.

"But he's.." Abigail began.

"Abby, as your friend let me give you some advice ok?" he interrupted.

She nodded eager to hear what he had to say.

"I'm sure you already know this but you are very deeply intertwined with vampyres. One day I think you know you'll become one. It's just a matter of who does it. Why not the man you love?" Joey asked.

"No, I can't not yet. There's something. A dream, I had. I've seen my death. It is by a vampyres hand and I know if I become one before then something bad might happen," she revealed.

"What bad could happen? You'd be dead already?" he asked.

"I can't really explain it. All I know is it's not time yet, if I'm even suppose to become one. Besides, I'd lose all my powers as a witch the moment I become vampyre. What if my powers are needed?" she explained.

"Do you know who does in it in your dream? Does he change you?" he questioned.

"From my dream I see a vampyre. I don't know who he is, I can never make out his face. I know that he grabs me and tries to embrace me. He starts to drain my blood, and then I see him look up and he drops me. Everything goes silent and I see another vampyre jump at him. Then I start to lose my vision, it gets very blurry. That's about the time I wake up scared out of my mind," she explained further.

"Do you really believe it's a premonition? Couldn't it just be a daymare?" he asked concerned.

"I believe in it. It's too real. I've always known my death would be from a vampyre. I can't tell you if my dreams only speaks of an embrace or a true death, all I can tell is that my mortal death will be this way," she answered.

"If you can't see the man's face, how do you know for sure it's not Sully?" Joey asked.

"Because I can feel pure evil in the man. it's not Sully, but there is something terribly familiar about him. I haven't been able to figure it out yet, but I think I know him somehow," she replied.

"I still don't understand. I wouldn't be able to bare to lose you, and I don't think Sully could either," he said almost sadly.

"Don't be sad Joey. Things will work out how they are suppose to," she answered.

"Yeah maybe, but I'll protect you. I'm not going to let that happen to you," he told her.

"You don't have any control over it. it's in the hands of the gods. it will happen. Just hope you will be there in time to save me from him, or embrace me if you have to," she responded.

"Someone will save you. I promise you that," he vowed.

+change of face+
