change of face

Sully entered the club cautiously, his eyes scanning the room from behind his dark sunglasses.   They stopped on his target, the three men at the bar. He walked casually over to them with Heath close behind.

The three men were oblivious to him, drinking and laughing amongst themselves. Sully walked right up to them unnoticed. He motioned to the bartender who brought him a glass of wine.

"What are you doing on my turf?" Sully asked.

"Oh hey, Sully. Thought you'd show up. Took you a while though. Getting slow in your old age?" Chris laughed.

"Don't fuck with me Chris. What are you doing here?" Sully asked again, his tone stern and calm.

"What's wrong my old friend? Not happy to see me?" Chris responded.

"No, call me crazy but I'm not," Sully answered still starring forward.

"Well it's good to see you old friend," Chris replied.

"Let's get a few things straight Chris. I"m no longer your friend. You saw to that everytime you tried to fight your way into this city. Second, I "m the Prince of this city, so when I ask you a question I expect you to answer it, otherwise my associates might get upset. So now, tell me Chris. What the fuck are you doing in my city?" Sully asked sternly.

"Ok, Sully. You win. The reason I"m here is because I need your help," Chris revealed.

"What would you need my help for?" Sully asked facing Chris.

"We left the Vigilante. We don't agree with them and their ways anymore. We want out," Chris confessed.

"You don't just decide that way of thinking is wrong overnight Chris," Sully said bluntly.

"You're right. I have disagreed for sometime. I was scared though. The Vigilante aren't the type of vampyres you want to fuck over, so to speak," Chris explained.

"So why now?" Sully asked.

"They were busy looking for some witch. We hoped we could sneak out and be long gone before they noticed," Chris continued.

"Why here?" Sully asked.

"Because I think they gave up on looking for the witch. Rumor is she's dead or something. Anyway, we think they may look for us soon. We need a place to hide for a while," Chris finished.

"We don't want you here," Heath snarled.

Sully held his arm up and Heath took a step back.

"I don't think you have a say in this," Chris stated to Heath. Heath let out a low growl in response.

"Chris, finish your drink then take your friends and leave San Francisco," Sully ordered calmly.

"Are you sure about that Sully? I mean, what would your vampyre's think of you when they hear you're throwing three vampyres out of your city for now real reason? You say you're a just leader? You call that just?" Chris questioned.

"Sully protects us from scum like you. We don't need you here," Heath growled.

Sully looked to Heath and smiled. Heath silenced his growl.

"You always let your hired help answer for you?" Chris asked.

"I'll ask the council. They will determine your ability to stay or leave.   I will let your peers judge you and we will follow that ruling. Until then stay out of here and keep low. I'll contact you," Sully replied softly then left.

Heath hesitated for a moment and let out a growl at the three. Chris smiled back then watched Heath follow Sully out of the club.

+lost love+
