lost love

"I can't believe the council agreed to let those Vigilante stay in town," Jolee huffed.

"Yeah, well what can we do?" Joey asked.

"I just can't believe with the council in a tie, Sully broke it with a yes. He of all people I would think would vote against them staying," she replied confused.

"You know Sully though. He's a kind leader and believes everyone deserves a second chance. All of us," he pointed out.

"True, but I still feel it's too risky," she answered.

"I do agree, but what if they really have left their clan. They deserve a chance. Besides, Sully will be watching them closely," he explained.

"So will I," Jolee said.

"We all will," Joey added.

Jolee sat back in the booth. Soft lights caressed her face. Joey watched her carefully. He could tell she was tired.

"Where's Lance?" Joey asked.

"I don't know. His place I suppose," Jolee answered.

"Maybe you should go see him," he suggested.

"I might after the club closes, but I need to be here for a while," she re plied.

"Well, I must go unfortunately. Sully is expecting me," he apologized.

"That's ok, thanks for stopping by and seeing me Joe," she smiled.

"It's always a pleasure. I'll see you soon," he said kissing the top of her head.

"Bye," Jolee said as she watched Joey walk away from her booth. The club was pretty empty which she expected for a Wednesday night. She smiled leaning back against the booth's cushion.

Jolee closed her eyes and allowed the sounds of the club to dance in her head. Club business swam into her mind. She knew she had to make a call to the local band Abigail chose. She decided next Wednesday would be the perfect night to take a chance on the new local band.

"Hey angel," a male voice interrupted her thoughts.

Jolee opened her eyes slowly. Before her stood a tall thin man. His soft brown hair laid gracefully on his shoulders. Bright blue eyes gazed into her. His body was clothed in some of the finest clothes she had seen in centuries. Black tight pants, a brilliant white shirt hid under a knee length black jacket complimented the man.

Jolee sat up quick, her eyes wide. She knew if her heart were to beat it would have flew out of her chest. She blinked not able to believe her own eyes. She tried to speak but no noise came.

"Angel, it's been a long time," the man said with a half smile.

"Oh god," she managed to say.

"Surprised to see me?" he asked.

"Jonny?" she asked feeling emotion hit her. She felt tears filled her eyes.

The man smiled and took a seat across from her, "you remember me."

"Of course I remember, but you're... you're," Jolee choked.

"Dead? Oh not quite angel," he smiled.

Jolee couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears spilled from her eyes. For the first time in years she felt such an emotion. Jonny scooted across the booths bench until he sat next to her. Jolee watched him through tear filled eyes.

Jonny wrapped his arms around Jolee. He felt her sob into his chest. He rested his chin on her head as he soon felt her sobs began to cease.

"How?" Jolee sniffed.

"Oh my angel," he sighed.

Jolee sat up looking into the man's pale face. Her eyes widened as the silent heartbeat in his chest hit her.

"You're vampyre?" she asked almost horrified.

"How else do you think I could be here?" he questioned back.

"I missed you. I thought you were dead," Jolee replied fighting the urge to cry once again.

"I missed you too angel," Jonny smiled.

"But, we had a fight and you left and never came back," she said trying to keep a strong composure.

"I loved you angel. You wouldn't changed me, so I found someone who would," he answered.

"It's been over 130 years. Where have you been?" she asked.

"I've been looking for you, but that is a long story and we have plenty of time to catch up. For now, I'd like to hold you," he answered.

"I missed you so much," she said cuddling into his chest.

"And I, love you angel," he replied smiling.

+old times revisited+
