
"So I see things are going well for you two," Lance smiled.

"Does it really show?" Abigail replied leaning against the bar of the club.

"Well I have my ways. I can just tell that you're both very happy and if I may add very much in love," Lance said leaning closer to her.

"What?" she asked trying to act surprised.

Lance looked carefully at Abigail. "You can say what you want, but I can tell you're in love. So is Sully."

"How?" she asked quietly.

"You know that my clan is very closely related to witches, and with that comes certain abilities," he started.

"Like what?" she questioned.

"Well I"m sure you know that each clan have certain abilities that are very specific. Depending on how well a vampyre knows the talent and trains in it will be how well they can do the discipline."

"Right, I remember Russell briefly telling me something like that but he didn't really elaborate," she replied.

"We don't always speak of them, but my clan has some magical abilities," he answered.

"Can you be more specific? What can you do?" she questioned.

"I've spent many years perfecting mine. I"m quite powerful, but for example I have extra sensory awareness, empathy and perception which we call the discipline of Auspex," he explained.

"Ok, which means in English," she laughed.

"A couple of things. One I have heightened senses if I want and the other I can see a being's aura. Depending on the colors and or patterns I can tell a lot about someone," he explained.

"That's great. I've heard of that. Some witches can do that too. So what do you see in me?" she asked.

"In you, right now I see that your aura is very bright meaning that you're mortal. You also have some pink which tells me you're a compassionate person, but mostly I see a lot of blue which is love. There's also sparkles around you. Not a lot but enough for me to know your magical or what you may call a witch," he smiled.

"Really? What about Sully?" she asked amazed.

"He's pale with some lavender and lots of blue. So that tells me he's vampyre of course, he is very much in love but he's also concerned about something," he replied.

"I wonder what for," she said softly.

"I don't know and I don't make a habit out of reading him. It was only as a favor and example," Lance stated leaning himself against the bar.

"So that's how you know we're in love? It could have been anything or anyone else," Abigail laughed.

"I see you two together and the aura swirls almost together. It's obvious even to an outsider. You make each other happy and everyone knows it," Lance smiled.

"I am. For once I feel safe, loved and secure all at once. It's a tranquil feeling. I feel strong again," she revealed.

"You compliment each other," he replied pointed behind her.

Abigail turned to see Sully standing next to her. He wrapped his arms around her for a hug.

"Miss me?" Sully asked.

"Always," she replied kissing him softly.

"Of course, existence can't go on without you near," Lance joked batting his long eyelashes.

"Careful you. You'll give us away," Sully played.

"Oh, you haven't told her about... us?" Lance asked.

"Shhh!" Sully said putting a finger to his lips.

"I'm crushed. Where does she think you're going late at night without her?" Lance asked standing close to Abigail.

Abigail looked up at Lance. His face as serious as Sully's. She was sandwich between the two men. She fought the urge to laugh as Lance blew Sully a kiss.

"I tell her it's business of course," Sully replied.

"Oh I see. I'm business, so I guess the sex is your interest?" Lance asked.

Sully lost it as Lance ran a hand up his arm. Sully burst into laughter followed by Lance.

"You're a dork," Sully replied.

"I know," Lance laughed.

Abigail giggled still stuck between the two men. Something caught her attention turning her focus to the club door. Jolee entered followed by a handsome man. The two immediately found the three at that bar and headed towards them.

The group said hello to the two. Lance carefully watching the new man.

"I wanted you all to meet Jonathan. He's a friend of mine from way back," she smiled as Jonny wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi," Abigail said smiling.

"You're pretty late getting to the club," Sully observed.

"I had someone open for me. We had to feed," she giggled.

"I see, club becoming second priority?" Lance asked watching Jonny kiss Jolee's neck.

"Oh please, just because I come in late one night hardly accounts for the club being a second priority. Besides I had to eat," Jolee replied lightly hitting Lance on the arm.

Lance turned looking intensely at her. "So why haven't we met Jonathan before?"

"He's been away. It's his first time to San Francisco. So I'm presenting him to the Prince," she replied happily.

"How long are you staying?" Sully asked.

"If everything works out, indefinitely," Jonny replied.

"Everyone pretty much gets along here. So I don't want any trouble from you. If there's a problem you come to me," Sully ordered.

"Aye, aye captain," Jonny said seriously then broke into laughter. Jolee followed him.

"Jolee, watch him. He's your responsibility. You hear?" Sully asked.

"It's ok Sully. Really, just chill," she replied smiling.

Sully's eyes narrowed. Although it served no purpose he took in a deep breath. Abigail sensed him getting upset and squeezed his hand. His attention turned to her. She gave him a sweet smiled and she felt him relax a bit.

"Well we have to go, don't we angel," Jonny announced.

"Yes we do. I'll see you all later," she agreed giving each of her friends a kiss.

"Come angel," Jonny said pulling at her arm.

Jolee followed Jonny's lead. Lance kept his eye on the two until they hit the club door. Jonny looked back at them letting Jolee out of the club then he turned and left.

"What do you think Lance?" Sully asked.

"I don't like him," Lance replied.

"Me either, he seems reckless," Sully added.

"Obviously Jolee trusts him," Abigail pointed out.

"She's being a bit reckless herself," Sully replied.

"I'm not defending him, but Jolee said she'd be responsible for him. That counts for something," Abigail argued.

"I hope so," Sully replied.

"She'll be helpless if he frenzies," Lance blurted out.

"What do you see Lance," Sully asked.

"The man has different greens all about him. Not a trace of any other color," Lance answered.

"What does that mean?" Abigail questioned.

"It means I see obsession, envy and distrust in the vampyre. Not very admiral traits to have," Lance replied.

Sully let out another useless sigh. Lance turned to him and smiled softly. "I could be wrong, you know."

"You're very rarely wrong," Sully said his face deep with concern.

