
Abigail cuddled close to Sully's bare chest. His eyes were closed and he looked very peaceful. Abigail watched him rest. If it weren't for his slightly warm skin, courtesy of his last feeding and her sense, there were no signs that the man should exist. She laid her chin on his still chest. It was still strange getting use to someone who didn't need to breath again.

She traced a warm finger over his arm following the pattern of one of his many tattoos. She smiled as she finished the pattern.

"What are you doing darlin'?" Sully asked startling Abigail.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," she replied.

"I'm up for another hour and a half. Then it's sleep time. I was just recovering from our little tryst," he smiled.

"I see, you're recovering so you can go back to sleep. THat makes sense," she teased.

"No silly, I was resting so maybe we could play before bedtime," he replied tickling her off him.

"Stop!" she laughed rolling onto her back. Sully rolled on top of her and stopped his tickling.

"Ok, I stopped so now what do I get?" he asked.

"A kiss," she said kissing him softly.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course anything darlin'."

"Lance told me he knew you to be concerned about something. Why?"

"Just business, nothing to worry you about."

"I want to know though. I want to know what's bothering you."

Sully sighed. He knew he should tell her, but he didn't want to worry her. He looked into her blue eyes and realized it was hopeless to resist. "A few days ago, three vampyre came to seek refuge in my city. It wouldn't be so bad but they're ex-Vigilante and I don't trust them," Sully revealed.

"They're here?" she asked.

"They're in the city being watched very carefully. You're safe," he explained.

"I know I'm safe with you, but you have to promise me something," she said.

"Anything," he replied.

"Please promise me you will be careful," she said softly.

"I will for you," he said kissing her gently.

"I have another question," she replied.

"Ok, go ahead," he smiled back sweetly.

"Lance was telling me about one of his abilities, Auspex I think," she said trying to remember.

"Yes?" he asked not sure what she was getting at.

"So I was wondering what is your ability?" she asked.

"My disciplines you mean?"

"Yes, that's it."

"I have a few. I have what we call Dominate. It basically means I can influence the minds and actions of someone. It can be something as simple as altering or subtracting memories to controlling someone. I also have Fortitude, which helps me resist sunlight and fire. It can even help me heal faster than a normal vampyre. Lastly I have Presence. That basically means I can make myself exceptionally appealing to someone. Of course there are different degrees for all vampyres. Russell was better than I, but I'm better than Joey," Sully explained.

"Oh, I see," she said slowly comprehending the information he threw at her.

"You see what?" he asked.

"You made me in love with you," she replied seriously.

"I'd never," Sully answered assuringly.

"I'm joking babe," she smiled.

"Good, because I'd never do that to you," he smiled.

"Was that what you were doing when you tensed up earlier?"

"I was going to use my Dominate to put Jolee in place. She was getting out of line."

"So you were going to make her?"

"Not really. I was going to put the fear back into her. Sort of bearing of teeth like in animals."

"But you didn't."

"No, I didn't want to use it. I don't like too unless I must."

Abigail wrapped her arms around Sully's neck. She kissed him softly.

"I have a question now," Sully smiled.

"Anything," she answered.

"Are you really in love with me?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," she admitted.

"Good, because I love you," he replied kissing her passionately.

Sully continued his deep kiss. His hands slowly explored her naked flesh. He felt the temperature of her skin begin to warm from his touch.

He kissed her neck softly caressing her with a strong but gentle touch. He let his mouth creep down her body as he held his eye contact.

"I love you too," she said again letting out a pleasureful sigh.

+found out+
