found out

Abigail walked down a long dark road with a tall muscular blond at her side. The two walked in silence as light traffic passed by them.

"You don't talk much do you Justin?" she asked.

"I talk when needs be," he replied softly.

"I just thought maybe we could talk. I mean we have a ways to go. It could pass the time," she suggested.

"If you like. What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Tell me about your clan. I know about some of the others but not much of Gangrels," she replied.

"There's not much to speak of. We're mostly loners on our off time. Sully uses us for protection. We're very loyal and fierce," he answered.

"What about your disciplines?" she asked.

"Well we have animalism, fortitude and protean," he answered softly.

"I know of fortitude, but what are the other two?" she questioned.

"Animalism is communication with animals and protean is like shape shifting into animals. Not all of us can though. However, with our clan if we frenzy too much we may take on an animal type characteristic," he explained.

"I see I'm still just trying to get use to all the clans in the city. It's different on the east coast. Most clans stick to their own," she replied.

"I'm not sure how it is there, but we live together here. It suits all our needs. Even if we disagree we can agree on a higher good," he said leading her around a corner.

"I think I like this better. Everyone looks out for each other too," she observed.

"Safety in numbers as they say," Justin begin, "My place is down this street quite a bit. We can pick up my bike there. It'll take less time that way."

"Your bike?" she asked.

"My Harley. Unless you don't like motorcycles then we can walk," Justin answered.

"No, we can get your motorcycle. The sooner I'm home, the better," she replied looking behind her.

"Still don't trust me?" he asked.

"No, it's not that. Something just doesn't feel right," she replied.

"Sully will be waiting at home for us," Justin said quickening his step.

"I know, I can't wait to be home. I just feel weird. Something familiar and it's creepy," she explained trying to keep up.

"It's just down the street a bit," he announced.

"Slow down Justin. I can't go that fast," she said stopping and trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry, I forgot. We can rest for a moment," he stated.

Abigail nodded in agreement. She was out of breath. She tried to slow her breaths but her body wouldn't allow it. She felt her head spin briefly. It stopped but she felt something heavy in her chest.

"Take a moment here. I can run and get the bike and meet you here. It'll take less than five minutes. That way you can rest, ok?" Justin asked.

"Ok," Abigail said slowly catching her breath.

Abigail watched Justin run off. The heaviness in her chest continued. She got another strange feeling in her head. It was somewhat familiar but she couldn't tell exactly what it was. All she did know was there were vampyres near.

A door swung open in front of her and three men spilled out of the entry way. They were laughing and joking to each other. They stood in the entry way of the building speaking quietly to each other.

Abigail froze as one looked up at her. She let her red curls fall in front of her face, concealing most of it.

"What's this?" Coby asked waking to her.

"Why it's a beautiful and obviously lost woman," Christian said sarcastically.

"What are you doing on this side of town beautiful?" Chris asked.

Abigail made no reply. She turned away from the three men and looked down the street where Justin had disappeared. She heard the men laughing behind her.

"I think we should play with her," Coby announced.

"Scare her then have our way with her," Christian said pulling a curl lightly front the back of her head.

"Come, come boys. Where's your manners?" Chris asked.

Abigail closed her eyes tightly. Her mind thought of Sully. She wished he was there. She would give anything to be in his arms and off this street. She took a deep breath. She slipped a hand into her jacket pocket and unfolded a paper satchel within it.

She carefully tipped the satchel upside down spilling the contents into her hand. She was glad that she always carried something with her for protection.

"Come her beautiful," Coby said grabbing her free arm.

He spun her around quickly. In a flash she pulled her other hand from her jacket tossing the herbs into the vampyres face.

Coby screamed in pain as the mixture made contact with his eyes. He released her grabbing his face. He continued his painful cries.

"Why you," Christian yelled.

Abigail faced the other two vampyres. Coby collapsed to the ground writhing in pain. She raised her hand up, which still contained herbs threatening Christian.

"I'm blind. The bitch blinded me," Coby shouted.

Christian backed off. Chris stood in horror as he watched the woman stand them off.

"Go now," Chris ordered.

"But she blinded him," Christian argued.

"Go!" Chris shouted.

Christian pulled Coby up and the two stumbled down the street.

"We didn't mean any harm," Chris explained.

Abigail looked at the final vampyre. She hadn't noticed earlier, but she had seen him before. "You!" she said realizing who the man was.

"Look, I'm leaving," Chris announced.

"You killed the elders," she said horrified lowering her arm.

Chris felt panic fill him. He made one quick movement. Abigail felt a sharp pain as his hand hit her cheek hard.

Abigail hit the cement, dazing her momentarily. She quickly regained herself. She looked around but the vampyre was no where to be seen.

Abigail felt a hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.

"Abigail, are you ok?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I think so," she replied feeling the sting in her face.

Justin helped her to her feet, "What happened?"

"Vigilante are here and they know I'm here now. We have to tell Sully," she informed.

"Shit. I shouldn't have left you alone," Justin cursed.

"I'm ok, let's just tell Sully," she assured.

"Right," Justin agreed leading Abigail to his motorcycle.

