
"Sully!" Abigail barged into Sully's office, Justin behind her.

Inside she found Sully surprised. It appeared he was in deep discussion with Lance before her intrusion.

"Abby, what's going on?" Sully asked concerned.

"The Vigilante are here," she announced walking up to him.

"What? What happened to your face?" Sully asked caressing her red cheek.

"I was attacked. I'm ok, but they know I am here now," she explained.

"Who was it Justin?" Sully asked still tenderly touching Abigail's face.

"I... I don't know. I wasn't there," Justin answered.

"What do you mean you weren't there. I told you not to leave her under any circumstances," Sully said raising his voice. He released Abigail's face and walked to Justin.

"I went to get my bike so we could get here faster. She was exhausted. I thought it best," Justin replied feeling Sully's gaze pierce him.

"You thought it best? I didn't hire you to think. I hired you to protect her," Sully shouted.

"I'm sorry Sully," Justin answered as fear filled him.

"Sorry? Sorry isn't good enough," Sully yelled.

Justin's eyes widened feeling terror sweep him. A second later he felt a crushing blow to his face as Sully without warning threw a punch. Justin hit the ground hard.

Abigail jumped at the sight of Sully's anger. His back was towards her but Justin's face could be seen on the floor. Blood oozed from his nose. She watched as Justin looked up in horror as Sully hit him again.

"Sully, no!" Abigail shouted.

She ran toward the man but it was too late. Another massive blow was inflicted on Justin's face. Abigail pulled at Sully's arm as to prevent another blow.

Justin looked up to her, his lip cut deep. His eyes were red and glowing, his pristine fangs bared. He let out a low growl.

A deeper, more fierce growl came from above Abigail. She pulled at Sully turning his body to her. His eyes glowed silver, his face full of anger. She could see his sharp porcelain like fangs exposed. Sully continued his low ferocious growl not releasing his gaze from Justin.

Lance knelt down and gently tugged on Justin. Lance helped the Gangrel up and hurried him out the door, closing it behind his hurt friend. Lance then turned to Abigail and his angry prince.

Sully continued his growl starring intensely at Lance. Lance stood in front of the door calmly leaning on his cane.

"Sully I agreed for him to go. I was extremely tired. It wasn't just his fault," Abigail explained.

"He shouldn't have left you," Sully hissed.

"I'm ok now. Isn't that what matters?" she asked.

Sully turned his gaze to her, his eyes were still silver with anger. Abigail released his arm immediately and took a step back. She gasped feeling an almost painful amount of fear hit her.

"Sully," she said feeling her eyes begin to fill with tears.

Instantly Sully's eyes turned back to their green color and his fangs withdrew. "I'm sorry darlin'," he apologized pulling her into his arms.

"What Justin did was wrong Sully, but I think he understands the weight of it now," Lance said breaking his silence.

"I know, I just got so angry," Sully replied holding Abigail.

"What we need to focus on is where these Vigilante are and what they're up to," Lance suggested.

"Yes, you're right. I... I...," Sully stuttered.

"I know my old friend, love makes us all do crazy things. Just remember that for if any of us make that same mistake," Lance smiled as he patted Sully's shoulder.

"I promise. So we have no clue who they are? How many were there? Where were you?" Sully asked Abigail.

"There were three or four but they ran for others. We were a few blocks from Justin's place," Abigail replied feeling better.

"Lance, would you mind staying here with Abby for me? We'll finish our talk later," Sully asked.

"I'll stay. Go and find them," Lance answered.

Sully kissed Abigail softly then left her and Lance alone in the office.

"You know he'd never hurt you don't you?" Lance asked.

"Of course," Abigail answered quickly.

"He frightened you though," Lance replied.

"Yes, he did. It was like he was in my head," she confessed.

"He was using a discipline. He was putting the fear into Justin and almost lost control. He must really care about you to get that upset," Lance revealed.

"He was using a discipline? It was almost familiar."

"How do you mean?"

"I felt like he was in my head. Just like..."

"Like what?"

Abigail sat in an old chair. Things were beginning to clear in her head, but the realization was almost frightening.


"How much can a Ventrue make you feel? I mean can it be permanent?"

"Well, I'm not an expert, but some have been known to permanently erase memories. Why?"

"I have a confession."

"I'm sorry Abigail, but I'm afraid you've lost me."

"It'll make sense, I hope. Just listen and give me your opinion."

"Ok, you have my undivided attention."

"Russell, Joey and I were the best of friends, that's all. When Joey left something happened. I fell in love with Russell."

"What? You and Russell were together?"

"Yes, we were. We were lovers for quite some time until his death."

"Wow, I never knew."

"No one did or does except you now."

"I see."

"The strange thing is, there's a certain point where now that I think about it all I felt for Russell was friendship."

"Well love does have a way of sneaking upon you."

"Does it? I mean one day I remember I woke up in love with him. I mean really in love with him."

"I suppose it could be, but I've never been in love so I can't really say."

"Do you think Russell could have done something? Something to make me fall for him?"

"Hypothetically, perhaps, but knowing Russell the way I do, I don't feel it's his style to do that."

Abigail sighed. Her head seemed clear. She let her head fall into her hands.

"I just look back now and wonder. When I first lost him I thought I'd go insane. Now I look back and I don't feel love for him anymore."

"You healed from the loss and besides you have Sully's love to distract you."

"I know and the love I feel for him is so much more intense than I ever had with Russell."

"It was a different man and a different love. I think you're reading too much into this."

"Maybe you're right. Thank you for listening."

"No problem. That's what friends are for."

"So what were you and Sully talking about?"

"Nothing much. He was just asking me a favor and had a few questions for me about the Tremere. That's all. Boring stuff really."

"Boring stuff really or things you can't or won't discuss with me."

"Can't put anything past you can I? To be honest, both."

+all that jazz+
