the gift

Joey's face grew grim. It became full of seriousness. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Abigail reached around her neck as she unfastened a clasp. She pulled out a long chain concealed under her shirt. An old ruby faceted cross hung from the silver chain. She handed the necklace to Joey. Joey held out his hand as she slowly allowed the chain to coil into his palm. She closed his hand over the cross.

"Please help," she replied.

"Come with me," he instructed rising from his seat.

Abigail obeyed sliding out of the booth and standing up next to Joey who patiently waited for her. He held her hand and lead her through the crowd.

He stopped briefly to open a door that opened into the back. He lead her down a hall and into an empty room The room was large and was filled with bookcases full of old books. Joey closed and locked the door behind them.

Abigail walked to the old cherrywood desk. The room was filled with old 1800 style furniture. The desk chair was covered in red velvet as was the Victorian couch in front of the desk.

Abigail sat on the couch. Joey followed her lead sitting close to her. The chain she gave him was now tangled into his fingers, the cross hanging just out of grasp.

"We'll be safe in here," Joey reassured.

"Who's office?" Abigail asked.

"Jolee's. She won't mind though," he answered.

Abigail shifted uncomfortably. she felt her heart rate pick up a little. She tried to regain control over it, allowing it to slow to it's normal speed. She knew she was safe and took a breath allowing her shield to lower.

"You're frightened," Joey said softly.

"Yes," she answered.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm in trouble Joseph. I need somewhere to hide," she responded.

"What kind of trouble?" Joey questioned.

"The Vigilante are looking for me," she answered softly.

"The Vigilante? What do they want with a witch?" he questioned.

"It's a long story and I don't want to endanger your life," she explained.

"What can I do?" he asked.

"I need someplace to hide. I need protection until I figure out what to do," she replied.

"I just don't understand what the Vigilante want with you. They're rebel vampyres. What would they possibly want with a witch?" he asked again in disbelief.

"I saw something I shouldn't have. Something big. They don't want me. They want me dead. Then they are safe," she explained.

"Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into? The Vigilante don't obey any rules we do," he replied.

"I know that. They kill without mercy. They refuse to live amongst mortals even witches," she said softly.

"Which makes them very dangerous. We've managed to keep them out of the city for the most part," Joey responded.

"Will you help me?" she asked.

"I don't know if I can," he answered.

"You told me if I ever really needed you. For anything, to give you back that necklace. I really need you Joseph," she said her tone quiet and almost sorrowful.

"I know. Of course I'll try. I just don't know how," he said aloud.

"Will your prince allow me to take refuge with you? I know witches don't really have the best reputation with most vampyres," she asked.

"Don't worry abut the Prince. He and I are close. He... Sully will listen and understand," Joey replied.

"Sully is the prince?" she asked.

"Yes. He rules the vampyres in San Francisco," he answered.

"That's what he meant," Abigail said softly almost inaudibly.

"Who meant?" Joey asked.

"Nothing. So you'll do it?" she asked hopeful.

"Of course. I promised you didn't I? I never go back on my word," Joey answered caressing Abigail's face.

"I didn't know who else to turn too," she replied.

"Oh Abby. My sweet Abby. How I've missed you," Joey said.

"And I have missed you, love," she replied.

"Why did you have to be a witch?" he asked hopelessly.

"It is what I am," she answered.

"I should have changed you. I remember now how you effected me," he said immersed in memories.

"I wouldn't allow it. As much as I loved you. I couldn't allow it," she answered.

"I know. I just wish things were different. We were so great together," he replied.

"We were great, but that was a long time ago. I am still a witch and you are still a Ventrue vampyre," she told him.

"I know," he said his voice full of sorrow.

Joey knew what she said was true. The slow beat of her heart was proof enough. It was true that witches lived three times longer than average humans, but they were still in fact mortal.

"We still have our memories and our friendship," she replied.

"I do have a great friend. You're my best friend," he responded cradling her face in his hands. The cross still hung from his fingers. It swung in the air teasing Abigail's neck when it touched her.

Joey kissed Abigail softly. She allowed it enjoying the soft pressure.

"My cowboy," she grinned.

"Not much of one now," he laughed.

"You may not look look one anymore, but you always come racing to my rescue," she replied.

"I always will," he responded replacing the necklace back on her neck.

"You're giving it back to me?" she asked.

"I told you once to return then only when you needed me. So I am giving it back to you in case you ever need me again," he answered.

"You're suppose to give it back to me when you need me. Remember?" We take turns," she asked.

"I do need you. I need you here with me. I missed you so much. So I'm asking you to stay with me a while even if this blows over soon,:" he explained.

"As you wish," she smiled.

+the game+
