all that jazz

Jolee watched as the band on her stage packed up their equipment. A few members held conversations with random club patrons. Jolee had been absolutely enthralled by their performance. It had been a short set but definitely a memorable one.

The last song still echoed in her head. It was beautiful. Jolee had always been partial to jazz especially back in the day, but this band managed to blow her away.

Jolee watched as one of the members smiled and chatted to her customers. He was gorgeous. She hadn't been able to take her eyes off him during the performance. His voice and crystal blue eyes intoxicated her from behind his piano. At one point she felt as if she and him were the only two in the club. She felt as if he played solely for her.

"Jolee, it's over can we please go now?" Jonny said interrupting her thoughts.

"You go ahead. I have to book these guys again," she replied without breaking her gaze of the new dark haired man.

"I don't want to go without you," Jonny whined.

"Go, I'll meet up with you later," she said getting up from the table and leaving Jonny alone.

He sat there watching Jolee walk to the new man with narrow eyes. He knew that look on her face. She use to look only at him with that look. Jonny felt jealousy flood through him.

Jolee walked up to the pianist. She gave him a soft smile. He quickly ended a conversation with a club member.

"Hi," she said softly as he approached her.

"Hello," he replied sweetly.

"That was a fabulous show," she complimented.

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said with a smile.

"I'm Jolee, the club owner," she introduced.

"Oh hi, I'm Josh," he replied extending his hand.

Jolee took his hand and shook it. His hand was warm and smooth. She felt excitement build with his gentle touch.

"I was hoping I could convince you to come back and play longer, perhaps on the weekend," she said releasing his hand.

"Of course, we'd love to," he accepted excitedly.

"Can I buy you a drink?" she asked.

"Uhm, I'm not sure if your friend would like that," he answered pointing to Jonny in the booth.

Jolee turned to Jonny. He still sat at the table, his gaze hard and penetrating. Jolee smiled to Jonny then turned her attention back to Josh. "He's just a friend. How about that drink?"

"Ok, sure," Josh smiled.

"So you noticed me?" she asked walking to the bar with Josh following her.

"Yes, it's hard not too," Josh admitted.

"Really? How's that?" Jolee questioned motioning the bartender for two drinks.

"You're the most beautiful woman in here," Josh blushed.

"Why thank you," she smiled.

"I hope that that wasn't to forward of me?" he asked taking the beer the bartender gave him.

"The truth can never be too forward. As long as it was truthful," she answered.

"Oh yes, it's the truth. You are by far the prettiest woman here," he flirted.

"Well it is a slow night and there's not much competition," she played along.

"No, even if this place was packed. You would be the most gorgeous woman here," he said boldly.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"Are you here a lot?"

"Mostly, I am the club owner.

"I guess it was a rather stupid question."

"No, it was fine. You're doing great."

"I just thought that now I know you're here most of the time maybe I'll drop in to see you."

"I would like that very much."

"Good, I'll stop by sometime then."

"Well you best stop by with your band on Friday and Saturday night to play. The place will be packed and wanting you."

"We will definitely."

"However, perhaps you can stop by tomorrow night alone."

"Ok, I'll do that, as long as you're here."

"Oh, I'll be here alright."

"Hey Jolee, come on it's time to go," Jonny interrupted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep you," Josh replied.

"You're not, but can you excuse us a moment please?" Jolee asked.

"Of course," Josh replied.

Jolee turned to Jonny and pulled him away from Josh. Jonny fixed his gaze on the new man.

"What are you doing?" Jolee asked.

"Let's go. It's time to go now," Jonny answered still watching Josh.

"I'm not going anywhere Jonny. Especially with you acting like this," Jolee replied harshly.

"So I guess now that you found yourself someone new you don't want me, is that it?" Jonny asked.

"Jonny don't be so jealous. It's not attractive," she scolded.

"You're just a slut," he accused.

"Excuse me?" she asked offended.

"You heard me," he replied.

"You know what Jonny? You can leave now. I don't wish to see you," she said walking away from him.

Jonny watched Jolee walk back to the bar. He stood there for a moment as the two whispered then looked his way briefly. He watched as the two broke into laughter then turned back to each other.

Jonny felt hatred fill him. He didn't need to take this. Especially from Jolee. He was better than her. He didn't need her.

