
Jonny walked down an alley taking a swallow of his tequila bottle. He shook it disappointed at it's empty innards. He threw the bottle against the wall listening to the loud shatter echo threw the alleyway. He pulled another fifth bottle from his jacket. He opened it and took a big gulp.

"Hey there pretty boy," a raspy voice said from the dark.

"Who's there?" Jonny asked as he stopped.

"My friends call me boss," the man replied stepping into the light.

"Boss? What kind of name is that?" Jonny laughed.

"It's more of a nickname. All my friends call me boss," the man answered.

"What do you want?" Jonny asked his words slurred.

"This is no place for a drunk vampyre," Boss said.

"What's it to you?" Jonny asked.

"Well, I was hoping we could be friends," Boss answered.

"I don't need friends," Jonny replied.

Boss walked to Jonny who took another gulp of tequila. "It looks to me as if you do need friends judging how you're handling that bottle."

"Fuck off!"

"Look I'm just saying that I look out for my friends and if one of my friends was hurt then it's my business too. It looks to me you're in need of a friend."

"I... I don't need anyone."

"Look friend, what's your name?"


"Jonny, why don't you tell boss here all about what's going on." Boss wrapped an arm around Jonny comfortingly.

"I hate them all."

"Who Jonny?"

"All of them. Everyone in this fucking city. None of them trust me because of the little blonde asshole."

"You mean Lance?"

"Yeah Lance, and Jolee. She's suppose to be in love with me. Not a fucking mortal."

"How about Sully?"

"He's an ass too. He's constantly questioning me. I hate them all."

"You'd like to see them all suffer, right?"

"Yeah, all of them. They all should die."

"See if you were our friend you would have people to help make them all suffer."


"Me and my boys." Boss turned Jonny around to face three other vampyres quietly standing before them.

"Do you want to make them suffer Jonny?" Boss asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Do you want us to take care of them?"


Good, now that were friends we'll help you, but we need a little information so you can help us, your new friends."

"Anything, they need to pay for not trusting me."

"All those vampyres you hate, they hang out with a female mortal."

"You mean Abigail?"

"Yes, Abigail. Do you know her?"

"Yeah, the little bitch looks at me weird."

"Well you want the vampyres to pay for all they've done to you and we want Abigail."

"Why? She's just a mortal."

"Let's just say I owe her one. So if you help us. We will help you. Deal?"

"Yes, it's a deal."

"We want Abigail, but she's always around Sully and his bodyguards. We can't figure how to get her alone."

"Well every night about nine o'clock she takes a walk along the beach by the house. It's just her and her bodyguard Justin."

"Every night? Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's like clockwork. She walks for about an hour or so then her and Sully come to the club."

"Sully never goes with her?"

"No, never. He does business elsewhere or at the house. When she's done she waits for him in the driveway."

"Thank you friend."

"So you'll make them pay now?"

"Oh yes, they'll pay my friend. They'll pay with their lives.

Boss let his arm fall from Jonny's shoulder. He walked to his three colleagues.

"It's eight o'clock. We have a hour to prepare. Cripple him and leave him so he'll be found," Boss instructed.

"What if he tells? Sully will know," Chris replied.

"Things will go as planned. Sully will be too late and then he'll either submit to me or die," boss answered.

"As you wish boss," Chris said giving Christian and Coby the order to attack.

