
"Sully," Heath said opening the office doors.

"What is it?" Sully asked.

Heath walked in carrying Jonny's broken body. He laid him on the council table. "He was found just outside the mansion. He's hurt, drunk and rambling."

Sully walked to Jonny. The vampyre's face was cut to pieces, obvious vampyre bite marks decorated his neck. Jonny's eyes rolled back into his head and he let out a groan.

"What happened?" Sully asked the semi-conscience man.

"Boss, he said he'd help," Jonny mumbled.

"Help with what?" Sully asked.

"He said he'd help if I told him about Abigail," Jonny answered.

"Abigail? What did you tell him about Abigail?" Sully asked his voice raised.

"I told him she took walks with Justin. He wants her. He was suppose to help me. Then his goons attacked," Jonny went on.

"You what?" Sully shouted.

"They're after Abigail tonight," Jonny answered.

Without hesitation Sully left the office, Heath followed close behind.

"I'm glad you're ok," Abigail said dragging her bare feet in the sand.

"Yeah, it's ok. I had it coming. I shouldn't have left you alone," Justin replied.

"He still shouldn't have hit you so hard," she protested.

"It's ok. He apologized and I can't really blame him. I'd have done the same," Justin said looking at his watch.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"9:45, we have a little longer. We can walk to the end then up towards the driveway. By the time we get to the limo Sully should be almost done," he answered.

"Great, are you coming to the club with us?" she asked.

"Actually I was thinking of seeing Lance. He said he may have something to get my strength up," Justin replied.

"Still not feeling up to speed?" she questioned.

"No, not really," he admitted.

Abigail felt a wave of nausea hit her. She stopped in her tracks to cease her head from spinning. She took a deep breath.

"What is it?" Justin asked.

"Vampyres. A few of them," she answered.

"Get behind me," he ordered watching the grove of trees next to them. He kept the ocean to their backs for safety.

A man appeared from behind a tree. The moonlight accented his pale skin.

"Chris what are you doing here?" Justin asked relaxing a bit.

"I just came to see Abigail," Chris answered taking a few steps onto the sandy beach.

"That's close enough. What do you want?" Justin questioned.

"Why I have a surprise for her," Chris answered, taking a few more steps towards them.

"Stay back Chris, I mean it," Justin warned.

"Or what? I don't think you're in any position to talk," Chris replied waving his hands.

Coby and Christian appeared from the grove. They began to make their way to Chris. "And seeing that you're obviously no match for the three of us. I recommend you send the girl over to us so we don't have to kill you," Chris explained.

"You'll have to go through me first," Justin announced.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Chris smiled.

Coby bolted for Justin. Justin blocked the attack and sent Coby's face first into the sand. Coby regained his stance and jumped onto Justin.

The two hit the ground with a thud. An almost cat sound came from both vampyres. Coby hit Justin in the face breaking open his almost healed lip.

Justin rebutted. He slashed at Coby with a hand full of now razor sharp claws. The hand resembling that of a cats found it's way across Coby's throat slitting four perfect lines deep into the flesh. Blood gushed everywhere as Coby choked.

Justin pushed Coby's spasming body off him and made his way back to his feet. Christian met him with a crushing hit to the midriff as he ran head first into Justin.

Justin hit the ground again with Christian on top of him. Christian threw a blow to Justin's face causing blood to run from the vampyres mouth. Justin fought to get the other vampyre off him but to no avail. Christian threw another blow to Justin's face causing Justin's body to go limp.

Christian got up and kicked Justin's body. No response was made by the hurt vampyre. Chrisitan made his way to Coby who's body lay still in the now red sand. "He's dead," Christian announced.

"Well the old boy had more in him than I thought. It's a shame, but we have you now beautiful. So it was worth the loss of my man," Chris said walking to Abigail.

Abigail watched helplessly as Justin laid bleeding on the ground. His once paw like hand resumed it's mortal shape. Her heart pounded as Chris walked up to her. Her throat closed to any sound of fear. She tried to scream but nothing happened.

Chris grabbed her arm and tugged on her. She pulled back trying to fight him, but his grasp was painful and too strong for her. She felt tears fill her head.

"There's someone who wants to see you," Chris informed as they walked up to the tree grove.

A man appeared before them. Abigail still tugged effortlessly trying and wanting to go back to Justin.

"We have her boss," Chris said pulling Abigail in front of him.

The force of Chris' grasp threw Abigail to her knees. She hung her head down as tears flowed freely from her eyes. She knew the scene all too well. She knew her time was limited. As the events unfolded she realized her dream that had haunted her for so long was coming true.

"Now, now angel. There's no need for tears," a familiar voice said.

Abigail looked up into familiar blue eyes. Her heart stopped momentarily, "Russell?"

"Yes my love, I've come back for you."

"But you're dead, I saw you."

""Silly girl. You saw me hurt, but not dead."

Abigail stood up and hugged the man. She clung to him desperately. Russell held her tight to him.

"I can't believe it, but I don't understand."

"I needed you to infiltrate San Francisco for me. I needed Sully's guard down and that's just what you did sweetie. Thank you."

"What? Why?"

"I need a place to be. I want San Francisco again. I knew Sully would never understand. I needed him to be distracted so I could get in and take it from him."

Abigail released Russell and took a few steps back,. "You used me."

"Yes my love and you did better than expected. Soon Sully will be dead or submit and you'll be mine forever."

"No, you can't. Please don't hurt Sully. Take me, but leave him. I beg of you."

"Why do you defend him. You have feelings for him?"

"Just leave him please if you ever loved me, do this one thing for me."

Russell let out a growl.

"I thought you said you made her love you and only you," Chris interrupted.

"Shut up Chris," Russell growled.

"You made me love you?"

"Yes angel, I had to. You didn't love me like I loved you. Soon Sully will be dead and you'll love me again."

"No, never. I'll never love you."

"You won't have a choice," Russell said his fangs bared.

Russell grabbed Abigail and held her tight. She struggled desperately to get from his grasp, ignoring the pain from his powerful grip. She felt herself lift up off the ground. Then she felt pain. Pain screamed from every inch of her body. She felt his fangs sink deep into her neck.

Abigail continued her struggle as she felt her strength begin to escape her. Her head became dizzy, she then felt the horrible evil from her dream. Russell was the familiar pure evil from her premonition.

She struggled now not from Russell's grasp but from the blackness that threatened to creep on her. She blinked feeling the darkness fall on her, she knew it would not be much longer.

Abigail felt her body jolt as if something hit them. Her limp body was released into the sand. She tried desperately to gasp for air, but it was getting harder and harder. She heard the cat like sounds coming from all around her.

Sully's hit was persise. Russell was knocked to the ground and Abigail was free from his embrace. Russell looked up and dusted himself off.

"So you made it my friend? A little earlier than I had expected, but no matter," Russell said wiping Abigail's blood from his lip.

"You're suppose to be dead," Sully replied surprised at the vampyre before him.

Russell grinned and took his opportunity. He ran into Sully throwing them both to the ground. Russell punched hard into Sully's gut. The pain mad him flinch leaving room for an unguarded block to Sully's face. Russell took the blow and Sully's head was thrown back.

"I thought I taught you better. Expect the unexpected," Russell growled.

"You did," Sully answered delivering a blow to Russell's groin.

Sully rolled the man over and delivered two fierce blows to Russell's face.

"Very good, but not good enough," Russell replied. as he held Sully's head in his hands and began to squeeze hard.

Sully knocked Russell's hold from his head and delivered a blow to his check as had as he could. He heard bone crack and Russell let out a cry.

Russell kicked Sully of of him. Sully immediately stood up. From the corner of his eye he could see Heath battling Chris and Christian. He then saw them flee, with Heath close at their heals.

Russell made it to his feet. "You're too late Sully. You're precious witch is dying. You can save her maybe or you can kill me," Russell said staggering, obviously hurt from the last blow.

Sully let out a loud growl and delivered a hard blow to Russell's head sending him backward into the sand. Sully then turned to Abigail. He rushed to her side. She was barely conscience. Her neck was oozing blood.

A branch snapping directed his attention to where Russell had landed. The vampyre was gone. Sully took a quick survey of the beach and it's surroundings. He was gone, probably long gone.

Abigail choked spitting up blood. Sully turned back to her. He felt tears fill him. Looking at her lifeless body, he felt completely helpless.

"Abby, speak to me," he begged.

"Sully, please help me. I don't want to leave you," she pleaded.

"You're dying my love. I can't do anything," he cried.

"Finish it. Please, finish what he started," she begged.

"I can't," he said as tears streamed down his face.

"Please, I love you. I need to be one," she choked again as more blood escaped her mouth.

"I won't let you go," he said picking her limp body up from the sand.

Sully lifted her small body with ease. He turned to see Joey, Mark and Tom rushing towards them. They ran up to the Prince.

"What on earth happened?" Tom asked.

"Oh my god, Abigail, is she?" Joey asked.

"Justin is hurt or dead. Take care of him, and take care of the other one. Make sure he's dead," Sully ordered.

"But Abigail. God no. Is she dead?" Joey asked tears filling his own eyes.

""Let me take care of her. If I stay here talking to you she will surely die," Sully replied with no emotion.

"You have to change her Sully. It's her wish. I know it is," Joey protested.

"I'll do what is right," Sully answered.

Joey watched as Sully walked up to the driveway. He watched as his Prince's figure disappeared into the black night. He prayed that Sully wouldn't do anything drastic. He prayed Sully would change her. Joey had promised. He promised someone would save her.

