
Lance opened his door to reveal an exhausted Sully holding Abigail's limp body in his arms. "What happened Sully?"

"The Vigilante got to her. I need your help."

"Come in."

Sully walked into the well furnished apartment and laid Abigail's lifeless body on the couch. Lance rushed to their side.

"She's been bitten?" Lance asked observing the obvious bite mark still bleeding on her neck.

"Yes, I got there too late. It's a long story but is there anything you can do for her?"

"Her heartbeat is too weak Sully, you know that. Even if I tried she'll be dead within the hour."

Tears fell freely from Sully's eyes as the realization of losing the one thing he loved hit him. He stood up watching Lance uselessly apply pressure to the bite wound. He knew that all efforts were hopeless. She had lost too much blood. No mortal would be able to recover without blood and he had took up too much time getting her to Lances' to even thing of taking her to a mortal hospital.

"I've never asked anything from you Lance, but I'm asking now."

"What would you have me do?"

"Embrace her."

"What? You know it could make her crazy and besides I believe that to be your duty."

"You were a witch and you survived. We've discussed this before Lance and I think the Tremere clan will best suit her. Please."

"I told you I struggle everyday with that Sully. I couldn't put her through that."

"Please, she already asked me to do it, but for her own good I believe the Tremere clan will be the best place for her. Please Lance."

Lance stared at his Prince blankly. It was true that a witches survival and any chance of sanity laid in the Tremere clan, but being a sire was a big responsibility. He would be solely responsible for Abigail until she was ready for vampyre society which could take months to decades.

"Please," Sully whispered as tears fell from his cheeks.

Lance picked up Abigail's shoulders and pulled her body to him. He let his lips taste the sweet blood from the wound. He took a breath and bit into her soft neck.

Abigail's body jolted and stiffened against him. A free hand held onto his arm tightly. He listened carefully until her heartbeat slowed almost to a stop.

Lance pulled away, his mouth bloody from the kiss. He quickly laid her back down and took a sharp fingernail slicing his own wrist. He allowed his blood to run off his wrist into her mouth.

Abigail instinctively swallowed the liquid gift he gave her. Her body then relaxed completely.

Lance pulled his wounded wrist from her. He licked the gash closing it behind his tongue's trail.

"Thank you," Sully whispered behind Lance.

Lance turned to see Sully leaving his haven. "Where are you going Sully?"

"I have some unfinished business to attend to."

"Don't you want to be here when she rises?"

"No, she's you're protegee. I know you'll take care of her and return her to me when she's ready."

"What about the council?"

"Send your second in your stead. I'll send Joey to you for updates on her."

"As you wish."

"Take care of her."

"I will."

Sully burst into the council room, his suit soaked in blood, his eyes glazed silver and fangs bared.

In the room he found the council members minus Lance. They turned, surprised by his entrance.

"Sully are you ok?" Heath asked.

"I'm fine," Sully snarled walking to the council table which still held Jonny's broken body.

"Abigail?" Joey managed to ask.

Sully glanced to Joey then back to the council table. Joey looked down feeling dread fill him. "You!" Sully said to Jonny.

"I... I'm sorry," Jonny whimpered.

Sully lunged at Jonny pushing him hard against the table. Jolee raced to his side. "Please Sully."

"You said you would take responsibility for him. He betrayed all of us, yet you defend him?" Sully growled.

"I loved him," she replied softly.

"He's trouble," Sully hissed.

"I thought I knew him. He's not the same, but I still care for him," she explained.

"He must be punished," Sully said releasing his hold on Jonny.

"Blood hunt! Blood hunt!" Tom chanted.

"Please no Sully. He made a mistake," Jolee pleaded.

Sully turned his back to her as he decided their fates. He could easily call a blood hunt on Jonathan, but Jolee he knew he could not. Their mistake was great but was it worth death? Sully had only ever called a blood hunt once in his power and he didn't want to do it again.

"Blood hunt! Blood hunt!" Tom continued to chant as he danced in a circle.

Sully turned to his vampyres. "Banishment."

Jolee gasped. Tom disappointedly stopped his chant and dance.

"Jonathan will be banished. He will never set foot in San Francisco again or a blood hunt will be called on him. Jolee will remain here, but she will be suspended from the council until further notice. Her second will attend," Sully announced.

"Sully please, I didn't do anything," Jolee protested.

"You said you took responsibility for him. Therefore, you're at fault," Sully said sternly.

"Sully," she answered.

"I could banish you as well, so don't push it. Now take him out of the city and make sure she goes home or to the club," Sully ordered.

Heath grabbed Jonny harshly and pulled his body off the table. Tom took a soft hold of Jolee's arm as he escorted her out.

Sully sighed softly. Joey walked to his side quietly. "Is she?" Joey asked not able to finish his sentence.

"She's with Lance. Mortal death has come to her," Sully replied painfully.

"Is she vampyre?" Joey asked choking in mid-sentance.

"She'll be Tremere before the nights end," Sully answered softly.

"She knew this is how it'd be. She all but told me she was destined to be vampyre. You made the right decision," Joey replied putting a hand on Sully's shoulder.

"Did I?" Sully asked feeling the shock of the evenings events hit him. "Did I?"

the end?

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