the game

Jolee wiped the last of the bar down. She smiled sweetly at the empty club. She closed her eyes remembering the sounds that only earlier thrived.

Jolee turned as her eyes opened. She tossed the wet cloth from her hands into the sink. The cloth hit it's target resting peacefully in the chrome basin.

She walked out from behind the bar. She gracefully walked over the wooden dance floor, her high heels clicking behind her. She stopped briefly, looking up at the stage. A sigh escaped her.

It was true that a live band hadn't performed on that stage in some time. It was her fault. Jolee knew she was very peculiar when it came to the music played in her club. It didn't necessarily have to be a particular type, but it did have to be good, by her standards alone. For that the club sometimes suffered long durations without live music.

Jolee blinked at the stage lights. She decided it was time to arrange some local bands so she could book a group. She ached for the thrill of musicians creating and displaying their craft. The thought alone excited her.

"Hello beautiful," a deep voice echoed.

Jolee spun around on her heels towards the sound of the man's voice.

Just beyond the dance floor stood a medium sized man in all black. His tight black shirt caressed his medium built body, while his black jeans fit snug to his skin. The long black leather jacket hung gracefully to his feet where his dark Doc Martens peeked out.

The man himself was almost angelic looking. His hair, short and blond. His skin, pale against his black attire. His hands, full of silver and diamond rings, one of which carried a beautiful long onyx cane. The cane was accented in silver where the man's hand peacefully rested. His dark, slim glasses covered up small eyes. The man smiled devilishly.

"Lance, now where on earth have you been tonight? I've been waiting all night for you," Jolee scolded.

"Oh, you know me Jolee, out and about. Never in a single place for too long," Lance said, walking side to side nonchalantly.

"I was hoping you'd come see me," she replied, watching the man slowly pace.

"You know I can't stay away from you for too long."

"I was beginning to think you didn't want to see me again," she pouted.

"Now why would you think a thing like that?" he asked walking onto the dance floor.

"Well I haven't seen you in about a week. Usually you come to see me every few days," Jolee answered turning her back to the man standing before her.

"I'm sorry Jolee. I was just deep in Tremere affairs. Forgive me?" Lance asked walking to face her.

Jolee turned her back to him again. She smiled softly enjoying the dance they performed. It was the same each time they met. They engaged in a dance, acting like they had no clue how the other felt. They both enjoyed it.

"Being the head of the Tremere clan can be time consuming I suppose, but I thought I was important," she replied.

"You are my dove and you being the head of the Toreador clan, I thought you would understand," Lance answered taking his place in front of her.

Jolee turned her head. "I still manage to find time for friends."

"I'm here now. We still have a few hours before dawn.," Lance said caressing her cheek with his free hand. "Oh Jolee, please forgive me."

Jolee looked up to his face. Bright green eyes peered over the slim ebony glasses. She could take it no longer, the game was over.

"Of course I do," she smiled.

"Brilliant," he grinned. Slowly he leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

"Shall we go somewhere a little more comfortable?" she asked.

"Of course dove," he replied.

