so let it be done

Jolee leaned back in her chair watching the others in the room. They all sat in chairs gathered at a large table. Everyone was engaged in separate conversations. She turned her head glancing at Lance next to her. He was deep in conversation with another vampyre next to him. Lance turned still in mid-conversation to smile at Jolee. The returned talking to his companion.

Jolee sighed. She would have rather been tending to her club than the Camarrilla but she knew that being head of the Toreador clan meant she was needed here, not only to help her own clans voice be heard but to protect the Masquerade.

Slowly she glanced around the room looking at each leader briefly, the moving on. They were all her friends, family even. She couldn't help but smile.

Sully entered, closing the doors behind him. The room quieted immediately. Sully walked to his seat and stood at the head of the table. "Thank you all for coming tonight," he announced.

The table seemed to relax with the prince's presence. He had a strange way of putting everyone at ease. It definitely worked in his favor for his position. "Let's begin," he started. "Tonight's order of business is rather irregular but important none the less.

The others listened quietly watching their prince intently. "Last night a friend on Joey's asked for his protection. He in turn asked for mine. I now would like to ask for help from all of you and your clans."

"Why would you need our help?" Lance asked.

Sully motioned to the door which opened revealing Joey. He lead Abigail in and closed the door behind him. Joey the lead Abigail to Sully's side. "This woman has information that the Vigilante don't want is to know."

The room began talking at once to each other. Abigail couldn't understand which conversation was with which vampyre. She did manage to hear the words "Vigilante" and "human" amidst the interruption.

Sully held up a hand and the room hushed. "One at a time, please," he asked.

"The Vigilante are powerful, we don't need their trouble," one blond vampyre said.

"I agree, we've kept them out of the city this long, why would we want to deal with them now," a dark-haired vampyre replied.

"Abigail has given me information proving the Vigilante's involvement with the Elder slaughter in Massachusetts," Sully replied.

"The Elders were killed by bounty hunters. Everyone knows that," Lance answered.

"That is what they want us to believe. She knows what really happened. She was there. That's why they want her dead and exactly why we need to protect her," Sully explained.

"What about the Masquerade. She's...she's..." Jolee asked, unable to finish her sentence.

"Yes, she is mortal and she is very much aware of the Masquerade, which isn't traditional, but it's beside the point. She's already sworn to others, as well as myself, that no matter what our decision, she won't tell of us," Sully replied.

"Can we trust her?" the blond asked.

Sully pulled a ring from his finger and held it up for the group to see. "Russell gave her this as proof to her words. He trusted her and so do I," Sully answered.

Sully gave the ring to Jolee. She looked at it then passed it to Lance. Each member looked at it carefully, validating it's authenticity, then passed it to the next until it was given back to Sully.

"Do I have your support and that of your clan?" he asked.

"Yes," Jolee answered.

"Yes, the Tremere will help," Lance replied.

"Yes you have the support of my clan," the blond responded.

"Yep," the dark-haired one answered excitedly.

"Thank you. I believe introductions are in order," Sully said offering his arm to Abigail. She released Joey's hand and took Sully's arm.

Sully walked around the table, first to Jolee. "You remember Jolee from last night?" he asked.

"Of course, the owner of Sanctuary. A pleasure," Abigail said shaking Jolee's hand.

"The Toreador clan is at your service," Jolee responded.

Sully then lead her to the next person, "this is Lance, leader of the Tremere clan."

"It's a pleasure to meet someone our last and current prince trust so much," Lance replied raising an eyebrow at her.

"Thank you ," Abigail replied feeling uneasy from his stare. She was then lead to a blond, gentleman.

"This is Heath, head of the Gangrel and my personal bodyguard," Sully introduced.

"The Gangrel's will protect you with our lives," Heath replied.

"A pleasure, thank you," she smiled back.

Sully lead her to the last person, "this is Tom. He's head of the Malkavian clan," Sully said.

"You're pretty, we'll help. We can be good help," Tom replied happily.

"Thank you," Abigail responded.

Sully then lead her back to the head of the table. "Then as head of the Ventrue clan and Prince, you not only have the support of my clan but this entire council. If any vampyre disagrees with the judgment, they will see me personally. If they go against the order, they will be killed. So let it be known, so let it be done," Sully announced.

"So let it be known, so let it be done," the group repeated.

"Now, is there any other items anyone would like to discuss?" Sully asked. The room was quiet. Sully waited, Abigail still on his arm. When no one still replied he nodded. "This council is adjourned then. We will meet again next week."

The group disbanded from the table. Tom and Jolee immediately disappeared. Heath walked to Sully discussing what Abigail understood to be guard arrangements for her.

Abigail watched as Joey left the room with her. She was still attached to Sully who now had a hold of her hand. His powerful fingers locked intertwined with hers. She watched Joey turn and smile and the disappear. She was still staring at the shut doors where Joey had stood when she noticed Lance was standing close to her. He was almost leaning against her. She began to feel a bit uneasy.

"I know what you are," he whispered into her ear.

"What?" she asked surprised and squeezed Sully's hand.

Lance leaned in closer to her. She felt his breath against her ear, "I know you are a witch."

"Can I help you Lance?" Sully's voice boomed, startling Abigail.

"No, I'm just letting Abigail know that the Tremere understand and support her," Lance replied giving her a polite smile and a bow then took his leave.

"I think it's best if she stayed here," Heath said to Sully.

"Agreed. I trust your arrangements Heath," Sully responded. Heath smiled then left, leaving Abigail alone with Sully.

"I thought I'd be staying with Joey," she responded.

"It will be easier to protect you here. Joey will stay as well. We'll take care of you," Sully explained.


"Would you protest to accompanying me to Sanctuary?" he asked.

"I would love to," she answered.

"Good. We'll have a chance to talk and relax a bit."

"Alright," she replied with a smile of her own.

+the low down+
