pillow talk

Jolee cuddled to Lance. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her tight to his body. She let her head rest peacefully on his bare chest. She felt him gingerly kiss the top of her head.

"I should probably go," Jolee said.

"No, not yet," Lance replied.

"It'll be light soon," she responded.

"I know. Is there anything wrong with you staying over here?" he asked.

"Not at all. We just don't usually stay for long," she replied.

"Well I want you to tonight," Lance responded.

"Why Lance, are you falling for me?" she playfully asked.

"One can never tell," he laughed. Lance pulled the white satin sheets up covering Jolee's naked body. He let most of his bare skin stay exposed.

"What do you think of Abigail?"Jolee asked, tracing a finger along Lance's chest.

"She seems nice. I feel she'll be very helpful to us," he answered.

"Really? How?" she questioned.

"I'm not really sure," he replied.

"I don't know about her. I don't think I've spent enough time with her to really know how I feel. I do know we are putting a lot of trust into one girl," she confessed.

"True we are, but it's for a good reason. She did have Russell's trust."

"I know and I will support the prince but really, how do we know what she says is true? She is a mortal," Jolee said lifting her head up to look into Lance's beautiful eyes.

"I trust her. Something tells me she is being completely honest with us," he admitted honestly.

"What do you feel about her? I know you can sense things in witches," she asked.

"I feel she is scared and out of her element. I also sensed that she asking herself if she can trust us. I truly believe her," he explained.

"That makes me feel better, knowing how you feel," she smiled the softly kissed his chest.

"Sully trusts her and that is enough," he replied.

"Speaking of Sully, he called you and me a "thing" tonight," she said almost insulted.

"We are sort of a thing, aren't we?" he asked.

"Well I never considered us a "thing". We just are. It's a mutual...what's the word?" she began.

"Thing," Lance laughed.

"No...a feeling. A mutual feeling," Jolee snapped.

"Angel, tell me the truth. Do you really see yourself with me for eternity? Me and no other?"

"Well I 'm not sure. It's a long time," she answered.

"Exactly and I know how you like men. I know and accept that. You need your options open and so do I. When you meet the vampyre or soon-to-be vampyre you want, you will know," Lance explained.

"Perhaps," Jolee sighed resting her chin on his chest.

"Trust me. We however, are a good "thing" for now. I do care very much for you," he answered.

"I care for you too babe," she smiled.

"How about a new topic of discussion?" he asked.

"Ooo...I have one," Jolee said excitedly.

"I thought you might," Lance laughed, running his hand up and down Jolee's back.

"Do you think Sully could have been drooling any more over Abigail?" she asked.

"I don't think that's our business," he laughed.

"Our prince's happiness is our business. Besides, every ones business is mine," she answered.

"That's right, I forgot," he teased.

"He just seemed very happy, more vibrant that usual tonight," she replied.

"Yes, he did seem in a good mood tonight," he agreed.

"He was also pretty touchy-feely with her," she continued.

"Jolee, he just had his arm around her," Lance chuckled.

"He never does that though. Not ever with me," she informed.

"Ok, so he was in a good mood and he had his arm around her. What are you getting at?" he asked.

"He likes her. I think she may even be interested," she went on.

"Why do you say that?" he questioned.

"Well because I think that they were going to kiss before I walked up," she explained.

"Angel, you have the worst timing," Lance said, laughing.

"Well I'm sorry but hey, maybe I can set them up. This could be just what Sully needs," she said excitedly.

"Goodness gracious woman, is it in your blood? You've been trying to hook Sully up with someone, anyone, for decades now," he continued with a hearty laugh.

"He's my friend and I want him happy. The man hasn't been with anyone really since he was mortal. I've never seen him with anyone anyway," she explained.

"Perhaps he likes it that way," Lance replied.

"What if though? They look cute together," Jolee replied.

"Angel, she's a witch, a mortal. He's vampyre. That doesn't mix," he explained.

"He could embrace her, make her one of us. It could work."

"Ok, plausibly it could, but would he allow it? Would she? Would the council? Too many woulds! It'd be hard," he answered.

"But it could," she whispered.

"Ok, I'm bored with this talk," he said kissing Jolee passionately. She giggled, allowing Lance to roll on top of her.

+enemy mine+
