enemy mine

"She got away" a man said.

"Damn you Coby, What happened?" Chris shouted.

"She was in Sacramento, but we lost her. We..." Coby began.

"Can't I leave you guys to do anything?" Chris interrupted.

"We believe she is in San Francisco." Coby hissed.

"Great. San Francisco. Sully's domain. Just what I need," Chris sighed.

"I'll have my men sent there at once," Coby replied.

"No. We'll wait and she what the boss says,"Chris ordered leaving Coby.

Chris made his way to a cabin. He knocked on the door and then entered. Inside the cabin was well decorated. He walked through the building to two doors. He again knocked. The door opened to a fancy office. Standing before Chris was a man knew well. Chris nodded as he passed him and walked to a desk. It's chair, with it's owner, were turned facing a large window looking out over and beautiful, dark forest.

"Sir, I have news," Chris stated.

"Leave us Christian," the man from the chair said with no movement.

Christian obeyed, leaving Chris alone in the room with the seated male.

"Go on," the man instructed.

"Our men almost had her in Sacramento, sir. We believe she's already made it to San Francisco," Chris reported.

"Excellent. Just as I thought," the man replied.

"Sir?" Chris asked.

"She's doing exactly what I thought she would do," the man answered.

"I'm still not understanding sir. How did you know and if you knew she was headed to San Francisco, why didn't we just wait for her there? Now she's in Sully's domain. That equals more problems," Chris replied.

"See Chris, this is why I'm the leader. You never do you homework. I knew she'd head to San Francisco to find Joey. They're friends, close friends. She'll probably ask Joey to help her and if I'm correct, he'll ask Sully. Then he, being the soft leader her is, will accept and request the councils help. That means there will be plenty of vampyres upset with helping mortals and..." the man trailed off.

"The time for us to recruit new believers," Chris finished.

"Exactly, there's nothing better than to have insiders helping. We'll get to Sully and we'll take San Francisco. This is all working better than I'd ever hoped for," the man laughed.

"Why is San Francisco so important? Chris asked.

"Because, it's a great advantage with the docks and all the shipping trade there," he explained.

"Of course sir," Chris replied.

"Now what we'll do is take a few members and set up residence there. Get a feel for what the clans think and perhaps even recruit some men to get even closer," the man explained.

"How can we go there? Sully knows what we are and what if the bitch tells," Chris asked.

"It's your word against hers. Besides, Sully won't touch you. He'll tolerate you, for the sake of the Masquerade. Tell him you've changed and even follow his rules for the time being," the man instructed.

"Surely you don't mean for me to go?" Chris asked.

"Of course I do. Take Christian and Coby. They're our best men," the man said, his voice calm.

"Yes sir, thank you sir," Chris replied.

"And Chris, follow his rules. Do everything needed until I and only I tell you otherwise," the man threatened

"Yes sir," Chris said leaving.

"So Sully, the showdown is coming soon, real soon," the man laughed.

+feelings forgotten+
