part 2


5 minutes to go...

Chris sat fidgeting. Sitting in one place was killing him. The house had settled and was creaking a lot. Chris told himself it was just a house and that the time had to be almost over.

Chris looked over at the camera starring at him. He knew Joey could see him.

"Hey Joe, my Blair Witch impression," Chris whispered grabbing Justin's sweater cap he stole before leaving the safe house. He put it on and angled the camera under his face and shined his light at his face. "I'm so scared and we're alone. Lost (sniffle). It's all my fault were lost. It's all my fault if we're never found (sob sob). I'm so sorry," Chris mimicked even shedding a tear. Then he let out a laugh.

No response. The room was completely quiet. 'No one has a sense of humor' Chris thought.

A cold rush of air blew through Chris. It chilled him sending his heart into a frenzy. "Fuck," he said aloud. It passed, but Chris' heart raced on. He threw the light across the room. Nothing. He threw it behind him. Nothing. "It's just a house," Chris whispered to himself.

Chris sat in silence scanning the room constantly with his light. He faintly heard what sounded like footsteps outside the room. They began to get louder. He sat paralyzed, his flashlight pointed at the door from which the steps were coming from. The footsteps became louder sounding like there was someone right outside. "Lance?" Chris whispered. Silence.

Chris' heart raced. He stood up, and he backed up against the large window in the room. He wanted out. He wanted to go, now. He pointed to one door with his light, then to the other. Which was the way out. He couldn't remember. Chris was began to breath heavily.

The footsteps started again. They sounded like they were right outside the door. Chris' eyes widened.

"Times up. Come back," Joey announced.

Chris took a step back, his eyes fixed on the door where the footsteps still came. He hit the wall and turned quickly. His light glared into the window. A reflection of a face starred back at him.

Chris screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran towards a door and tried to open it, but nothing. He banged on it loudly. Chris continued his vocal outburst. When he ran out of air, he took a breath and screamed again.

The door he was at tried to open, but Chris' body prevented it. He then back up still verbalizing his fear. The door opened slowly causing Chris to scream louder and longer.

He continued backing up. He tripped over the chair but sat up starring at the door without taking a breath to silence his screams. The door continued to open and Lance stood there. His light on a hysterically wailing Chris.

"What's going on? Talk to me," Joey's voice stated.

Lance ran to Chris. Chris watched Lance intensely still paralyzed except for his vocal cords which still emitted a high pitch constant squeal

"It's Chris, he's ok. He's just screaming," Lance responded.

"Get him out of there. Just go," Joey instructed.

"Come on Chris," Lance said pulling Chris up who was almost in tears.


"Chris what happened?" Joey asked holding a hand held camera at Chris and Lance.

"I was goofing off then I felt a cold breeze. Then I heard footsteps. They led to the door leading out," Chris said his voice shaking.

"I heard footsteps too, but I thought it was you two," JC said holding the other camera.

"We were on the other side of the house JC," Lance explained.

"It sounded like it was right above us," Justin said almost whining.

"Old houses make lots of noises," Joey explained.

"Then I got scared and turned around. I saw a face in the window," Chris explained softly, his voice still sore from screaming.

"It had to be your reflection," Lance responded.

"A face?" Justin squealed.

"A reflection," JC replied.

"It looked like a woman. An old woman with white hair pulled back," Chris explained further.

"You have Justin's sweater cap on. That's your old woman with white hair," Joey laughed.

"Maybe," Chris replied feeling a bit dumb.

"OK, let's see the next dares," Joey laughed turning to the computer. Joey clicked on he mouse.

"Congratulations. Your next assignment will be to visit two more rooms. The ballroom and the large cabinet. The two safeties will now spend 15 minutes in each of these room, and the two who did the last dares are now safeties. The navigator will remain the same. Good luck," the deep voice said.

"Oh god," Justin said his voice trembling.


JC walked slowly through the hallway, his light guiding him. Justin walked behind him staying close. They're hands held, gripped hard for comfort.

"JC, I don't think I can do this," Justin said still being lead by JC.

"You can do it, I believe in you. Look it's just a room, and I'll be right outside. You can call me and I'll be there," JC replied stopping in front of a door.

"I just don't think I'm brave enough. I hate being alone on our tour bus let alone some haunted room," Justin said his eyes fixed on the closed door.

"J, listen to me. It's just a room. You go there and sit for 15 minutes, that's all. 15 minutes of your life and you've accomplished something grand. I will be so proud," JC explained watching Justin stare horrified at the door.

"You'll be proud of me?" Justin asked. "Yes, very proud and I'll congratulate you privately when we got home," JC smiled devilishly.

"Promise?" Justin asked feeling a bit more brave.

"Cross my heart," JC replied kissing Justin softly, "Go knock 'em dead, gorgeous."

"You'll be here right?" Justin asked taking a breath.

"Right here. I'm not gonna go anywhere without you," JC replied.

"Okay Joe, I'm goin' in," Justin said as he opened the door.

"Alright Justin, when you get inside you must maintain 15 minutes of radio silence," Joey answered over the radio.

Justin walked into the room. He flashed his light through it. It was enormous and virtually empty. He spotted an organ on one wall and a large f ireplace on the other. With the exception of a large painting of a woman above the fireplace and the organ, the room was empty.

"What is this room Joey?" Justin asked.

"You're in one of the two ballrooms. This is the one that was finished, unlike it's sister room which never saw the end of construction. This room was the room in which the organ music was heard when the two authors stayed the night," Joey replied.

"Joey did your really have to remind me of the story?" Justin asked his voice cracking a bit.

"You asked bro. You ready to start your fifteen?" Joey asked.

"Sure," Justin replied his voice full of uneasiness.

"You're time starts now," Joey said. Then silence.

Justin walked around the middle of the room, his flashlight covering the extent of it. He felt his heart race. He let the light fall onto the organ. Before it sat a bench which he hadn't seen before. He walked to it and sat down.

He continued to let his light scan the room erratically. The house creaked causing Justin to jump and to throw his light towards every unknown noise.

"I have to be brave," he whispered almost inaudibly.

Another creek, another jump. Justin's heart raced and his mind began to think of horrible monsters and ghosts creeping on him.

"You can do this J, I know you can. You'll get one hell of a lay after this," he whispered to himself.

Justin's heart still pounded. He could hear it in his ears, he could even feel it through his entire body.

"Think happy thoughts damn it," Justin told himself. "Like JC naked. He's naked, that's it. He's laying in his bed with a hard on and he wants me."

Justin began to feel better. He smiled as he continued his dirty thought of his lover.


"Alright Lance, it's your turn. Justin is already there and has started his 15 minutes," Joey said.

"We're there Joe. The cabinet doors in front of us. It's huge," Chris replied shinning his light on the two doors. They were big enough to be normal entry doors.

"This is one of the abnormalities of the house. It's a cupboard that is as big as a normal sized room. This is where Lance has to stay for 15 minutes," Joey answered.

"Cool, ok Lance, just do it so we can go," Chris instructed looking around the room he was in.

"Ok, just don't leave me," Lance replied opening the two doors.

Chris helped him step up into the room then shut them.

"I'm in Joey, do it," Lance replied.

"You got it," Joey replied.

Lance scanned the area he was in. It was a normal sized room but with no windows, he was completely enveloped in darkness except for his flashlight.

He took a deep breath, and let thoughts of business filter through his head. He smiled and closed his eyes as he heard Chris singing softly outside the cabinet.


5 mins. to go

Lance opened his eyes to a loud knock on the wall. His peaceful thoughts interrupted, and his heart had begun to pound.

He strained to hear Chris in the other room, but he heard nothing. He then turned and scanned the room, but found nothing.

Lance crept to the cupboard doors. He pushed them softly, but they didn't move. "Chris?" Lance shouted.

The room echoed his voice back, but nothing. Lance pressed his ear against the doors straining to hear Chris.

Lance waited in silence, there was no clues that Chris was even there anymore. Then footsteps began to enter the room.

"Chris?" Lance asked again.

The sounds came close. Lance thought they came up to the doors. He prayed it was Chris there to let him out. The sound stopped as Lance had hoped right in front of the doors.

"Chris? Let me out," Lance shouted.

Chris didn't reply. The room remained silent. Lance took a step back feeling a cold breeze brush by him. He felt his heart race.

'Where did that come from?' Lance thought, his eyes widened.

Lance turned scanning the room once again with his light. He felt the cold breeze again. He felt his heart pound maniacally as he realized his flashlight was flickering. In seconds, he found himself consumed by blackness.

Lance turned quickly towards the doors, but he had stepped away from them to check the room. He took baby steps trying to find the wall.

"Chris!" Lance shouted.

Only the echo answered him. Then Lance was met by the wall, but it wasn't the door. Lance began pounding on the wall, "Chris, damn it. Open the door," Lance shouted.

There still was no answer. Lance inched along the wall trying to find the doors, but found nothing. He began to pound again. "Chris! Someone! Please!" Lance shouted.

Silence. Complete darkness. Lance took a breath. He was completely terrified. He let himself slid down the wall. He curled himself into a ball when he found the floor. "Please help," Lance whispered starring into the camera before him. He knew it was hopeless, they couldn't see him he couldn't even see the damn camera and it was inches before him.

Lance placed his head on his knees. He heard a loud crash like sound. He squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. 'I'm gonna die,' he thought.

"Lance? Where the fuck are you?" Chris shouted.

"Chris?" Lance asked standing up.

"Where are you?" Chris replied letting his light scan the room.

"Here!" Lance shouted seeing the light coming from the other side of the room. Lance ran to it.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear Joey?" Chris asked.

"No. My light went out. I was yelling. I must have got turned around," Lance said looking at the other side of the room where he had given up.

"Fifteen minutes is over. Let's get the fuck out of here," Chris replied helping Lance out.


"What happened?" Joey asked when Chris and Lance walked into the room.

"Lance didn't hear you. His radio must have went out," Chris said out of breath.

"Did you do it?" JC asked. Lance nodded. He was too out of breath to speak.

"I must have told you guys 10 times you were done," Joey replied.

"My flashlight died. I yelled and pounded on the walls but I guess Chris didn't hear," Lance managed to say.

"I went to another room because I heard something. Then I heard pounding and I got freaked. I ran in the moment Joey said it was time," Chris admitted.

"You left me?" Lance asked disappointed.

"I'm sorry man. I got freaked," Chris replied.

"You left me you bastard," Lance responded.

"I'm sorry," Chris yelled.

"You left me," Lance replied jumping onto Chris swinging punches.

JC and Justin rushed to remove Lance from Chris. Chris remained balled up on the floor even after Lance was removed. "I'm sorry man," Chris sniffled.

"You left me," Lance shouted struggling against Justin's grip.

"He didn't mean it Lance," JC replied.

"He left me," Lance answered in a horrified repetitive tone.

"I'm really sorry," Chris answered as he dusted himself off.

"You're ok Lance, it's over," Joey said as he held the camera towards Lance.

"He left me," Lance whispered.

"It's over," Justin softly said.

Lance's body relaxed and Justin let his grip go. Lance stood limply next to him. Justin helped him to the couch where Lance collapsed.

"Maybe we should get some sleep. It's been a long stressful night. We'll just pick up first thing tomorrow night," Joey suggested.

"I agree, things will look much better tomorrow," JC agreed.

"Ok," Chris replied.

"Alright, but I ain't sleeping near him," Lance agreed pointing to Chris.

"You can sleep near me tonight," Joey offered.

"Ok, come on guys. One more night. We'll make it," JC said comfortingly.

The five men got ready to call it a night. They pulled out the sleeping bags and laid them out.

Justin and JC zipped up their bags together and curled up in each other arms. Chris pulled his bag into a corner away from the group and curled up. Joey put his bag down and slipped into his bag. Lance laid his close to Joey's and got into his.

"Joey," Lance whispered through the darkness.

"Yeah," Joey replied.

"I'm kinda scared. I really hate the dark right now," Lance said his voice shaking.

"Come here," Joey replied turning towards Lance. He took his arm and pulled Lance close to him. Lance snuggled into Joey's neck.

"Thank you Joe. I just can't be alone right now," Lance whispered.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," Joey replied holding Lance tight to his body.


11:30pm the next night.

The guys had began to stir only moments before. Chris had been up before anyone else and had made breakfast for everyone.

The five men ate in silence, with the exception of JC and Justin's whispers to each other.

"Ok, guys I know no one is really looking forward to this, but we just have to get through this. To get through this, we have to be a team," Joey said breaking the silence.

"We've been through tougher things. We can get through this one too, together," JC reinforced.

"I agree," Justin said holding his hand out. Joey and JC put their hands on top of Justin's.

Chris put his hand on Joey's, "I agree."

Lance looked up from his cereal. He looked at Chris, his lip swollen from a punch he had thrown. He looked over to Joey. Joey smiled softly and winked.

"Agreed," Lance smiled putting his hand on top of Chris'.

"Ok, so now that we're a team again, what's next Joey?" JC asked after the men released their hold.

"Let's see," Joey replied as he rolled his chair to the computer. He clicked open the file and then clicked on he words, 'Dares completed.'

"Congratulations. One more dare and the money is yours to donate," the computer voice said.

"Woohoo!" Justin shouted.

"If you thought the other dares were unnerving, this last one takes the cake. Let's hope your navigator is the bravest of you all," the voice continued.

"Ha. Ha. You guys are in luck. I can do it," Joey gloated.

"That's right. We got it made," Lance rejoiced as he patted

"Here's your dare navigator. You must go alone into the Winchester Mansion and make you're way to Sarah Winchester's last known bedroom. It is here you must lay in the same bed she died in for 15 minutes with absolute radio silence. You must also turn off all electrical equipment such as your flashlight. The only equipment you can have on is your steady camera and the EMF detector. This detector can monitor electrical presences such as ghosts. Then you will report your findings to the rest of the group," the voice finished.

Joey stared at the computer blankly as the directions popped up on the screen.

"Alright fifteen more minutes and we did it guys," Chris yelled.

The rest of the guys started to celebrate their accomplishment. They shouted and jumped around excitedly. Joey continued to sit staring at the computer.

"Come on Joe, let's do it," Justin smiled.

Joey stood up and faced his friends. His face was grim. "I... I don't think I can do this guys," he confessed.

"What?" What do you mean?" Chris asked walking to Joey.

"I mean, I don't know if I can do this. I mean in total darkness in some woman's bed," Joey explained.

"Shouldn't you be use to being in someone's bed, Joe? It's as easy as scoring a lay," Chris said seriously.

"Look Joe, you can do it. I was scared too, alone in the ballroom. I just thought of JC. Just think happy thoughts," Justin confided.

"You can do it Superman," JC smiled.

Joey looked over to Lance. His face had a look of disappointment on it. He looked down and took a deep breath. "Let's do it."

The men began to get excited again, this time with Joey.

+part 3+

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