
Benjamin walked down the path that would soon bring him to his home. He was hot and tired from his long day of working his fields. He allowed thoughts of next months crops leave his mind as he rounded the forest bend that revealed his modest home. He smiled as his first view of his home included that of his wife, Elizabeth pulling water from their well. He rushed to her side, happy to be in her presence.

"Here, let me help you with that," he said taking the rope from her small hands and pulling the water bucket to the top.

"Why thank you," Elizabeth replied with an endearing smile.

Benjamin removed the bucket from the well and lead his wife into the house. Inside he found that Elizabeth had already prepared their dinner. He promptly poured the water from the bucket into a pitcher that Elizabeth held out to him.

"Dinner smells fantastic," Benjamin complimented unable to keep his eyes from his wife.

"It should, it's stew. You're favorite," Elizabeth answered kissing her husband gently on the cheek.

"Stew? What's the occasion?" he asked surprised at her statement.

"There's no occasion. I did it because I know you enjoy it and I wanted us to have a lovely evening. Besides, I know how hard you've been working the fields by yourself and thought you deserved a special dinner," she answered softly.

"What a lucky man I am, to have such a thoughtful wife," he smiled back at her.

"Come, let's eat before the stew gets cold," she said as she tugged at his arm.

Benjamin sat in his seat at the table as Elizabeth poured the water from the pitcher into their wooden cups, then sat down across from him. The dinner conversation filled the night as they dined by their usual candle light. Benjamin watched at his wife carefully finished her meal and then proceeded to clean the table.         

"Why don't you relax. You've had a hard day. I'll clean up and join you in a bit," Elizabeth suggested.

"Can't I stay here and watch you?" he questioned.

"If you'd like," she said with a wink and then continued with her cleaning duties.

Benjamin watched as his wife finished washing the dishes. He smiled as she made her way to him at the table.

He immediately grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. She giggled as he planted kisses over her neck and exposed chest.  

She returned the favor with a passionate kiss. The two sat at the wooden dinning table in a passionate embrace, enjoying each other. Benjamin then picked up his wife and carried her to the bed without withdrawing his kiss. He finally let his lips leave hers as he gently laid her on the bed. He then followed her feeling the warmth of her body beneath him.

Benjamin felt his passion swell in him as they removed the clothing from their bodies. He pulled Elizabeth close to him intoxicated by every inch of her. His kisses had made their way to every part of her, relishing in it as if it were to be their last.

Their lovemaking lasted most of the evening. Stopping only because they both had to rise early for chores. Benjamin rested his head gently on his wife's chest listening to her heart race.

"You should try to get some sleep lover," Elizabeth whispered to him.

"I know, but I just can't get enough of you," he replied playfully bitting her breast.

"Oh, you're so bad," she giggled.

"I am, it's true, but only because I love you so much," he answered looking up into beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you too lover," she smiled back kissing him sweetly.

A loud crash broke their embrace. The door to their home swung open as three men entered.

Elizabeth pulled the bedding over her bare body as Benjamin jumped up grabbed a dagger from the table next to them.

The men surprised at the couples presence reacted quickly, easily overpowering the single man.

Benjamin was forced to give up the only means of protection he had as two men held him fast. "Who are you?" he shouted.

"It doesn't matter who we are," one of the invaders answered.

"What do you want?" Benjamin continued to question.

"Oh, well that's easy. We want everything you have," the man continued.

"We don't have anything of worth," Benjamin explained still attempting to loosen himself from the two men that had a hold of him.

"We?" the man asked. The leader of the invaders scanned the room quickly and saw Elizabeth huddled on the bed. "Ah, we indeed."

"No, you leave her alone," Benjamin shouted. He attempt to free himself increased rewarded only by a hard blow to the back that threw him to his knees.

The leader made his way to Elizabeth. Her face was filled with horror. "Is this your wife?" the man asked Benjamin.

"Leave her alone," Benjamin growled. He received another enormous blow to his spine sending excruciating pain rippling through his body.

"Answer him," a voice from above Benjamin ordered delivering another blow to his bare back.

"Yes," Benjamin answered reluctantly.

"Well, well. It seems you have one thing of value here," the leader said as he ran a dirty finger down Elizabeth's cheek.

"Leave her alone! Take anything you want, but please leave us alone," Benjamin begged.

"All in good time. Don't you worry, we won't hurt you we just want to have a little fun, that's all," the leader replied to Elizabeth as he ripped the covers off of her, exposing her pale flesh to the cold air. "A good time indeed."

"No, you bastard! Leave her be," Benjamin shouted pulling at his arms with all his might, trying without success to free himself.

"Silence him," the leader shouted to his men.

Benjamin felt a foot land hard on his back as the two men pulled hard on each arm. He felt the bones in his shoulders crack as he let out a loud cry of pain.

"Stop it you're hurting him," Elizabeth begged as tears ran down her face.

"Well stop but you have to do something for us," the leader answered.

"No Liz, don't," Benjamin ordered as he felt more searing pain from shoulders as another foot made contact with his back.

"Stop!" Elizabeth cried. "Please just stop."

"Don't worry pretty, this won't take long at all," the leader said pushing Elizabeth into the bed with his weight.

Benjamin watched in horror as the man roughly began to ravage his wife. Each of his shouts were followed by severe pain to his back and shoulders. He felt tears fill his eyes as he realized there was nothing he was able to do to help his love.

Without warning, the leader let out a loud cry of pain. The man immediately jumped up pushing Elizabeth from beneath him onto the floor.

"What's the matter?" one of the voices above Benjamin asked.

The leader pulled a small dagger from out his side. "The bitch stabbed me."

Benjamin felt the situations graveness and began to throw his body attempting to free himself. He struggled violently ignoring the cracking and popping from his shoulders, in another futile attempt.

He continued his wild struggle, watching in horror as the leader walked to Elizabeth and slit her throat with the dagger she had used on him.

Benjamin watched Elizabeth's face go limp as blood oozed from the large gash in her throat.

"NOooo!" Benjamin screamed as his heart tore in half.


Benjamin woke up screaming. He was surrounded by complete darkness. He threw his arms up causing a door to open and allowing light to envelope him. He sat up quickly looking around the room. Slowly, he began to realize that the candle lit room he was in was non other than his own.

He stood up and stepped out of the box that encased him only moments before. He closed his eyes letting a long sigh escape his lungs.

It had been a dream. A dream of a time he had spent years trying to forget. Now it seems it had returned. This time it was back with a vengeance, making him relive and refeel every moment of that horrible night.

Benjamin opened his eyes allowing a single tear to escape down his cheek. He shook his head trying to get the sound of Elizabeth's voice out of his mind.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. When Benjamin turned around he saw his identical twin staring back at him.

"Sweet dreams?" Joel asked smiling.

"Shut up," Benjamin growled as he pushed his way through the door.

"Well didn't we wake up in a sun shiny mood today," Joel said sarcastically.

"Leave me alone," Benjamin instructed as he put on his leather jacket.

"What's wrong Benji?" Joel asked concerned.

"I'm hungry," Benji replied.

"Are you sure that's all?" Joel continued to question.

"I'm fine, ok?" Benji snapped.

Joel watched as his brother gathered up his wallet and some change from the table.

"Good evening everyone," Josh said with a chipper voice when he saw the two men in the living room.

"Shove it," Benji snarled leaving Joel and Josh behind.

"Well, what's up with him?" Josh asked Joel as he wrapped his arms around the concerned twin.

"I don't know. He's been acting like this a lot lately. It's almost like he was acting after Elizabeth was killed."

"Maybe he's not completely over it. I know I would never forget it if I lost you," Josh said kissing the side of Joel's head.

"I just hope he doesn't go crazy like he did last time," Joel explained.

"He wasn't exactly crazy, you just had him thinking he was," Josh reminded.

"I know, but after that. He went ballistic. You remember. He had such anger, so much rage. It's like it's coming back," Joel answered.

"He'll be fine baby. Look, he just woke up in a foul mood. He'll probably be better after he eats. Besides, let's not let him ruin our evening," Josh said kissing down Joel's neck.

Joel smiled at Josh. He was probably right. Benji could take care of himself. He always had. Besides, by the way Josh was kissing him, Joel knew he would have his hands full of other matters for most of the evening.


Benji slid down the side of the wall., his eyes full of tears. He sat in total darkness huddled in a small ball. A month had passed since he had buried his wife, but he still was unable to let her go. He was no longer able to sleep at night, he had not been out to the crops to harvest nor to tend to them. He slept in the day, and cried at night, alone in the dark.

Benji sat silently waiting for the voice to come to him. A week after Elizabeth's death the voice of his brother began to come to him. Joel had been dead for over a year, but with the stress of Elizabeth's death, Benji found comfort in talking to the mysterious voice that came to him in the dark.

"How are you tonight dear brother," Joel's voice asked.

"It still hurts Joel," Benji replied.

"I know, but it will pass as the pain of my death did," Joel replied.

"It doesn't feel like it will though. After you died, I still had Liz to take care of. I still had a life to go on with, but now I have nothing," Benji answered.

"Are you sure about that brother?" Joel asked.

"What do I have? I have nothing now. Liz was everything to me. I don't think I can go on much longer without her. It's driving me crazy. I don't eat, I barely sleep, all I do is think of her. I have no family. I'm talking to my dead brother. All I think about is that I want to die to be back with her," Benji replied sadly.

"Don't you want to get your revenge on the men who murdered her?" Joel questioned.

"What can I do? I couldn't even stop them from attacking or killing her. I should have been able to protect her. I was her husband, and I couldn't protect her from them," Benji said as he sobbed.

"I know a way you can get your revenge. I know a way you can make them all pay for what they did," Joel replied.

"How?" Benji asked raising his head from his hands.

A single match lit up the room. Joel's image lit a nearby candle, as Benji watched with wide eyes.

"Oh dear brother. It's been a long time since I've looked at you," Joel said as he walked to Benji's side.

"Oh, god I am crazy," Benji said closing his eyes tightly hoping Joel would disappear.

"You are not crazy," Joel assured.

"I am crazy. You're dead and I just saw you. I hear you all the time," Benji replied.

"It is true, I am technically dead, but I'm more like the undead," Joel explained.

Benji opened his eyes to see Joel knelling beside him. "You're cursed."

"Some people see it as a curse, but I see it as a blessing," Joel answered.

"No, you're dead," Benji replied covering his ears and closing his eyes tightly shut.

Joel reached over and placed a cool hand on Benji's arm. He carefully removed his brothers arms from his ears. "I'm here, with you now to help you when you need it."

Benji stared horrified at the being before him.

"Help me?" he asked feeling scared and curious at the same time.

"Yes, I'm here to help you. What if I told you I can make you strong. Strong enough to make those bastards pay for what they did to you and Liz? Strong enough to help you through your pain until it is nothing but a faint memory."


"Do you want my help, brother?"

"Yes, please help me," Benji begged, tired of being the pathetic being he had become.

"You will have to give up everything here and I will forever change your existence," Joel informed.

"Anything, just help me make those bastards pay. Help me make them feel the pain we did that night," Benji pleaded.

"As you wish my brother," Joel replied with a smile.

Joel wrapped his arms around his sullen brother. He embraced his twin in a tight hug. He could feel Benji sobbing into his shoulder. Then as he sank sharp teeth into Benji's soft neck, he felt his brother jerk with what little strength the man had left and then nothing.


Benji strolled silently through the town park trying desperately to shake the memories that had come back to haunt him. The night Joel embraced him was fresh in his mind. The pain and suffering that Joel had so much as promised would end had only been amplified by the gift his brother had given him. Now after centuries of suppressing the anger, it had returned. Benji was mad, he hated the world. He wanted everyone dead. Everyone deserved to die.


Benji burst through the door of home, all but knocking the door off it's hinges. Four men that were gathered at the dinner table jumped up and armed themselves from the sudden threat of danger. Benji stood before them unarmed.

"You?" the leader asked surprised to see Benji.

"Come back for another beating?"

Benji let out a low animal like growl, his eyes burned with anger.

"Who is this?" a young man asked.

"This is the idiot farmer we attacked 2 months ago. His wife is the one who stabbed your father," one of the others said.

"Well now, I guess your pretty wife isn't doing much these days is she?" the leader asked walking towards Benji.

"How is the pretty little lady?" another of the attackers asked.

Benji stood staring at the men, not saying a word.

"What's the matter boy? Cat got your tongue?" the leader asked.

In one swift motion, Benji grabbed the man, taking the sword into his own hands. The other men backed off, shocked at the man's quickness.

"Please sir, don't kill my father," the younger man asked.

"Why not? He killed my wife," Benji snarled, enjoying the fear he smelled from the men.

"She shoved a blade into his side," one man hissed.

"She was protecting herself. She was an innocent and you killed her needlessly," Benji shouted.

"Please," the young man pleaded.

Without breaking his stare from the young man, Benji slit the leaders throat leaving the corpse to twitch at his feet.

"Get him," one man yelled as the two other attackers lunged for Benji.

Benji moved quickly killing one of them instantly with the blade in his and and grasping the other man with his free hand.

"Please, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me," the man begged.

Benji dropped the blade from his and and grabbed the man's other wrist. In one swift motion Benji shoved his foot into the man's spine with a crack. The bones within the man's arms split through his skin leaving the man paralyzed at his feet. His attention was then directed to the young man cowering in the corner.

"Please sir, I'm sorry," the man cried.

Benji grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him in the air. The man gagged from his own weight pulling down on him. With a single flick of the wrist Benji snapped the young man's neck and dropped the lifeless body to the floor.

"Tsk. Tsk. What a was of good food Benji. You could have at least ate one of them," Joel said leaning against the doorway.

"I would never eat such tainted blood," Benji replied, the fire still hot in his eyes.

"What about the boy? He was an innocent," Joel asked.

"He was the spawn of evil. He did not deserve to live. No one does anymore," Benji answered pushing his way past Joel.

"What does that mean?" Joel questioned following his brother.

"It means exactly what I said. No one deserves to live. I won't stop until their all dead," Benji growled.

"Until who all are dead?" Joel continued to ask.

"Until every mortal is dead," Benji snapped.

+part 2+

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